Chapter 36

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Gori's POV:

"Gori! Give me more cake!" Mateo tells me.

Mateo, Rinz, Marco, Raveen, Uncle Gilberto and I along with some other players and their family members were gathered in the dining room of the hotel we were staying at. We decided to celebrate Real Madrid's victory together.

"You ate two big pieces already," I tell him.

"Your point?"

"You'll get fat."

"I'm not fat."

"Well, you will be if you keep eating like that."

"Says the girl who ate 3 waffles this morning."

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You're suppose to eat a lot during breakfast time. Ask cus, she is a future nutritionist, she should know."

"Cus is right. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Rinz says.

"Whatever," Mateo says rolling his eyes.

I chuckle quietly at him because I love teasing him a lot.

"Cus.." Rinz whispers to me.

"Yeah, Rinz? What's up?"

"I think something suspicious is going on between Raveen and Dani." She continues to whisper.

"What?" I laugh at her crazy thoughts.

"I'm serious." She looks at me. "Look at Dani and then look at Raveen and tell me what you see." She says.

I dramatically sigh and look towards Dani's direction.

"Ew." I let out.

"Cus, I'm being serious, focus please."

"Okay..." I look closely at Dani and notice he has a smug look on his face.

"He has that stupid face on that I hate." I say. "And he's giving it to Raveen." I say noticing the looks he is giving her.

"Exactly my point." She says crossing her arms and leaning back on her chair.

"But I'm pretty sure it's nothing. Like what can possibly go on between her and Dani?" I ask her.

"I don't know, but I know there is something going on between them. When I asked her about it this morning she got so defensive about it and left breakfast without finishing her plate."

"Hmm.. We'll get to the bottom of this, don't worry." I assure her.

"I hope we do quickly."

My phone lights up and I grab it to see the notification I got.

"Oh, Manu is live," I say.

"He isn't here, where is he?" Rinz asks.

"Not sure. Borja isn't here either."

"Were you looking for him?" Rinz teases.

"Blah, blah, blah. I wasn't. They are always together, I was trying to make a point."

"Aha, aha, aha."

I roll my eyes at her.

I see Rinz take out her phone and open Instagram. She clicks on Manu's live and plugs in her headphones so she can properly hear what he is saying. She puts one of her headphones in her ear and gives me the other end so I can put it in my ear and listen too. Manu was in his hotel room. I hear Jaime speaking in the back and Moha appeared on his screen all of a sudden. Borja was playing video games with Jaime.

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