Chapter 8

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Narrator's POV:

Fast forwarding to three months later, it's now October and quite some things have happened since the preseason in July. The football season had started in late August, while schools and colleges were back in session in September.

Borja and Gori: They are still a couple and their relationship is stronger than ever. Everyday their love for each other grows. They rarely have any fights and they are always there for one another. Everyday, Borja picks Gori up from her school. On every school day, his car would be parked in front of the front doors of Gori's ugly school and he would wait outside his car for her. Each time he saw her coming his way he would greet her with a kiss on the lips just to let every guy in her school know that she was taken. Since Gori was a senior and it was her last year in high school, he knew boys would be getting close to girls because there was this one crazy event that year that everyone needed a date for, prom. He didn't want anyone asking her out to prom because he wanted to take her to that event himself. Borja has been working really hard with his team and Zidane has noticed that since he has given him some minutes to play in some games, but Borja wanted more and that is what he is aiming for now. Gori on the other hand, was extremely busy with school. It was her last year in high school and she wanted to finish everything off smoothly without any problems. She also found herself busy with her school's photography club. She has taken many photos in these three months, just in case if she wanted to apply to any art colleges in the future.

Marcos: Marcos has been keeping to himself a lot lately. He feels extremely jealous around Bori because he still has feelings for Gori. Yes, he cheated on her with Paddy, but he figured out his mistake and wants to apologize but he cannot seem to grow the guts to tell her. And no, he isn't with Paddy anymore. He broke up with her during preseason, but he hasn't bothered to tell anyone so nobody really knows about that. Sometimes there would be some problems going on between him and Borja. Sometimes Marcos wouldn't be able to control his jealousy and would pick up little dumb fights with Borja whether it was on the field or around Gori.

Marco and Raveen: Nothing really changed with these two. They are so close, in fact they are closer than they were before (if that was even possible). Their love is the strongest by far. Nowadays, Raveen would be too busy with school work to deal with Marco and Marco would be too busy with his football career. Although they are both busy people, they still manage to find time for each other. Every weekend, Raveen would come over and sleep at Marco's house. Sometimes they would have cheat days where Raveen would come over during a weekday because she would miss Marco a lot and can't help herself. Marco would pick up Raveen and drive her to school every now and then just to check up on her and make both their days better.

Dani and Rinz: Dani finally found a house near where Rinz lives in. It is about a block away. His agent found this house 2 weeks after they came back from America. When Dani lived next door to Rinz's room, he would sometimes sneak in her room in the middle of the night when he knows Marco would be asleep and he would cuddle with her in her bed until they both fell asleep. Now, just because he moved and had his own house, that did not stop him from sneaking into Rinz's room at night. There were many nights when Dani would sneak into her room at night from her window and Marco would never catch them. They got closer and spent a lot of time together, especially a lot of "alone time". During Rinz's breaks in between classes, Dani would come visit her and kill time with her until her class time would arrive.

Rinz's POV:


My eyes shot open at the sound of my alarm clock. I groaned and rolled over to shut my alarm clock off. Thursdays. "Great." I thought to myself. Thursdays were the longest day in the week for me because I would go to university from the early morning and come back home at night. I looked over to my right and saw Dani sleeping next to me, his arm around my waist.

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