Chapter 59

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Rinz's POV:

Andre: I want to hold you in my arms
And kiss every part of your face
And whisper cute things in your ear
And tell you how much I love you

Me: I want that too:(

Andre: I hate phones, ew
We are in the 21st century, why can't I grab you through my phone and place you on my lap? 🙃

Me: Ooooh, that's a great idea
We should send a letter about this idea to Apple

Andre: I'll get writing 🤓

Me: 😂😂😂

Andre: But I really want to kiss you right now

Me: I wish you can :(

Andre: No need to wish👀

Me: huh?

5 minutes pass by. No reply.

Me: Andre where did you go👀

Andre: Open your window🙃

What is he...

I get up from my bed and walk over to the window. I open up the curtains to find Andre sitting on the tree. I squeal in excitement and immediately open the window open for him to get in. Once he safely climbs in my room, I throw my arms around him and pull him into a tight hug.

"I missed you so so so much." I tell him.

"I missed you too, babe." He says while playing with my hair.

I pull away with my arms still around him just to look at him.

"When will you act like a normal person and use the front door?" I ask him.

"Well, if you want to ruin the romance in it..."

I playfully slap his shoulder and smile at him. "And when will you stop with these surprise visits?"

"Do you not like them?" He pouts.

"No, no. Of course, I do." I smile at him.

"Well, the answer to your question is... when you finally move in with me I'll stop with these surprise visits."

I let out a chuckle and pull him in for another hug.

"You've missed me a little too much, eh?" He asks while he rests his head on my shoulder.

"Blah." I let out. I close my eyes and smile at the fact that he's actually here. Finally. After weeks, he's finally here. "How long are you staying here for?" I ask once I realize that he might not be here for long.

"A week."

He gives me a sad smile once he sees the look of disappointment on my face.

"We'll make lots of beautiful memories during this week and we'll have lots of fun." He tells me.

I give him a small smile. He looks down at my stomach. Then, he kneels down so he is at level with it.

"Hey there, Bea. I missed you so much sweetie."

Bea was the name we agreed to name the baby if it was a girl. If it was a boy, we were going to call him little Andre.

"It may not be Bea." I remind him.

"I'm telling you babe, I can feel it. It's Bea."

"Really, you can feel the baby? So I'm not the one holding it?"

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