Chapter 13

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Gori's POV:

"Borja?" I call him.


After a long night of exploring Italy, we were finally back in our hotel room. We were lying in bed with my head resting on his chest, I could hear his heart beat and he was playing with my hair and kissing my head every now and then.

"Do you think we did the right thing?" I ask him.

"What do you mean?" He asks moving his face to look at mine.

"I mean with Rinz. Was it a good idea to leave her alone with Andre?"

"I don't see how it is a bad idea..."

"She's still not over Dani. She's obsessed with him. Like I have no worry with Andre, I know he likes her, but Rinz?" I paused to sarcastically laugh. "I'm worried about her." I admit.

"No need to worry. Andre wouldn't push her into anything and it's time she comes out of her shell. She needs to get over him and to find her own happiness. I really think Andre will be a great match for her. Something is telling me that." He says looking at me.

I nod my head at him because the way he was looking at me convinced me that Rinz would get over Dani one day and she would find her happiness even if it was with Andre. Even if he played for a different club and national team, even if he lived in another country...

Rinz's POV:

The next day I woke up realizing that I had slept in Andre's house. I was in some boy's bedroom, but not Andre's. I got up from the bed and went over to the desk. I saw some photos of Andre with another boy, which I came to realize was that this was probably his room. He looked a lot like Andre. I wasn't sure who he was though. His brother maybe? I made my way over to the kitchen because that's where I guessed Andre was because I smelt something really good being made. I found out last night that Andre is a really great cook. He made us pasta and it turned out to be something I have never tasted before. I was convinced that his pasta was the best pasta in Italy. I stood by the kitchen door and watched Andre move around the kitchen, getting the waffles ready.

"Mmm, good morning." I say taking in the delicious smell in the kitchen.

"Good morning." He says smiling at me. "You look great." He smirks at me.

I look down at his clothes I was wearing. No, not his jacket. He gave me some old sweats he had and one of his t-shirts to sleep in since I didn't have any other clothes to wear. "Thanks." I smile back at him. "It smells good."

He pulls out a seat for me to sit in and points at the chair, signalling that I should come over and sit. I take a seat and he adds whipped cream to my waffles.

"Are you a strawberry or blueberry person?" He asks me.

"Strawberries pleeeeease." I say as he laughs at me.

He sits next to me and we begin to eat our breakfast.

"Who's room was I sleeping in last night?" I randomly ask.

"Afonso." He answers. I raise my eyebrow at him. "He's my brother." He laughs.

I knew it. "He's not here?" I ask.

"He's in Portugal now with the rest of my family. He'll come back to visit soon though." He tells me.

We continue to eat our food until I break the silence. "Can you take me back to the hotel? I need to get new clothes and talk with Gori." I tell him.

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