Chapter 10

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Rinz's POV:

I woke up from my sleep. I was resting on someone's chest. It wasn't Dani's, this chest was more stronger. Confused, I looked at his face and saw Angel. I remember what happened yesterday with Dani cheating on me and how it was the worst day of my life. Then, I remembered Angel cheering me up and the fun we had that same night, which caused me to smile at him. He sturred a bit in his sleep and then soon woke up.

"Good morning, beautiful." He tells me. "Don't look at me in the morning, I look ugly, especially my hair."

I roll my eyes at him. "Lies."

He lifts up his arm that was wrapped around my waist and looks at me, giving me a sleepy smile. "Did you sleep good, Rinz?" He sweetly asks.

"Si." I said sitting up on my bed and crossing my legs.

"I am in the mood for a lazy day." He says looking at me.

I frown at him.

"What?" He asks confused.

"I was thinking, maybe we can work on that sing off today and record it." I say.

"Okay, sure. That sounds like a good idea." He says.

"Are you coming to tomorrow's match?" I ask.

"Well, of course. I wouldn't want to miss your hermano play." He says closing his eyes again.

"Get up!" I say throwing a pillow at him and then going to the bathroom to get ready. He went in the bathroom after I got out and I went to my room to get dressed. I picked out some black tights with my red adidas shirt and decided to wear them. Then, I put my hair in a messy bun and made my way downstairs for breakfast.

"Ugh, Rinz where are my shorts?" Marco asks me.

"Good morning to you too." I say. "I folded them and put them in your closet."

"Oh, bless. Thanks sis! Oh, and good morning to you too." He says smiling sheepishly at me and then kissing my forehead. He made his way up to his room to get his shorts.

I grab two bowls to make cereal for me and Angel. I didn't make some for Marco because I know he doesn't like to eat much before he trains and likes to eat more after.

"Yumm, my favorite." Angels says walking in the kitchen. He takes a seat on the table and I give him his bowl of cereal.

"Eat up." I tell him.

He began to quickly stuff his face with food and I gave him a weird look. "What?" He asks with his mouth full.

"You're so gross." I laugh at him.

"No, I'm cute. You always say I'm cute." He says after swallowing.

"You usually are, but not when eating breakfast." I say smiling at him.

He shrugs and continues to eat his food until Marco comes back in the kitchen.

"I'm ready and about to leave, will you two be okay on your own?" He asks us.

"Yes!" We both say at the same time. We put our bowls in the sink and made our way to the living room.

I have no classes on Fridays so it was a free day for me today. Me and Angel walked to the living room and sat down on the couch.

"Ugh, we forgot to get a notebook and pen to write the lyrics we each will be singing." Angel said.

"I can go get a notebook and pen from my school bag." I suggest.

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