Chapter 39

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Rinz's POV:

The next day after we landed in Madrid, we had a Demarco Flamenco concert to go to. Me, Marco, Raveen, Gori, Marcos, Theo, Adriana, Igor, and of course Dani were going to see him perform live. We all had seats next to each other and I knew it would be fun. If only Dani wasn't going, but of course he will be going since Demarco is one of his favorite musicians of all time.

"Did you get Andre a Christmas present yet?" Gori asks me.

My eyes go wide realizing that I haven't went Christmas shopping for Andre. Before going to Milan and Abu Dhabi, I got everyone their Christmas presents except for Andre because I wasn't so sure if he would forgive me or not. I was certainly not going to take the risk and buy him a present and when he doesn't forgive me, it would be there in my room once I come back to Madrid to haunt me and make me feel guilty all the time.


"What are you waiting for? Oh my God, Christmas is in a week, Rinz."

"I have no idea what to get him. Any ideas, cus?"

She rubs her chin and stops to think for a moment and then shakes her head no.

"We need a guy to help us pick out a gift." I tell her.

"Yes! Who though?"

"How about we ask Marcos to come with us shopping after the concert? I'm pretty sure he will be a good choice to help me out."

"Okay, I'll text him right now and ask him for you." She says.

She takes out her phone and types a text for him. Just when she places her phone on the table, her phone beeps. She quickly grabs her phone and I give her a look.

"What? He replies quickly." She shrugs.

"Yeah, only to you." I say.

"He says he would be happy to help." She reads out his text.

"Great!" I exclaim.

At the concert...

"This so exciting!" I tell Gori when we walk to our seats.

"Yes! I'm going to literally yell out the lyrics to his songs, so just watch out." She warns me.

"That makes the two of us." I laugh while sitting down in my seat once I found it.

"Holaaaa my girlies!" Marcos greets us.

He stands between our seats and kneels down to hug us both at the same time. Then, he walks over to sit down in the seat next to Gori.

"Your seat is next to mine again?" Gori asks him. "This is no coincedence."

"This is fate." He smiles at her.

"If Dani's seat ends up next to Rinz, you better change seats with her." She tells Marcos.

"Yes, please. I want to have fun this night, absolutely no drama." I tell him.

"Don't worry, I got your back."

"En ese barquito de papel, viajaremos tú y yo A la isla del amor Y a la isla del amor." Igor sings and dances.

We all look at him as if he has gone mad.

"What? I'm warming up my vocals for tonight."

"And were those awkward dance moves necessary?" Gori asks him.

"Blah, blah, blah." He teases while rolling his eyes at her.

I laugh at him. "Are you sitting next to me?" I ask him.

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