Chapter 49

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Gori's POV:

"Oh my God, I am exhausted." Marcos says plopping down on the double bed in our hotel room.

"Get up." I tell him, tugging on his hand.

"Whyyyyy?" He whines closing his eyes shut.

"We cannot waste a single second on this trip. We have to go out and explore Dubai. Come on!"

"Gori, we were here in the beginning of the month. I'm sure nothing much has changed."

I sit next to him on the bed and look down at him. He opens his eyes and looks up at me.

"I just miss traveling with you and exploring places." I confess.

He smiles at me and sits up. "Okay, how about this? We go to a small trip now since it's late and I'm tired and then tomorrow I will take you to the craziest places here in Dubai."

"Deal!" I smile big at him.

I drag him out of bed and we leave the hotel room to have our mini adventure for the night.

The next day...

"Okay so, our plans for today is to go to the desert safari and then come back to the hotel so we can clean up and change our clothes and then we can go out to Burj Al-Arab, explore it and watch the water fountain show since we didn't get a good view on it last night." Marcos tells me.

"Whatever you think is right." I say, taking a bite out of my bagel.

I always trust Marcos when it comes to planning a trip. He's always good at picking places and picking a good tourist group to hang out with. He never fails to ruin a trip and he absolutely never lets a single second go to waste. He always tries to keep me entertained as much as possible. If I had to choose someone to travel with for the rest of my life, I would pick Marcos without a second thought.

We quickly eat our breakfast and make out way out to the desert safari.

At the safari desert...

"Are you ready, babe?"


He looks back at me and chuckles. "Don't worry I'll take it slow the first time."

"Madre mia, Marcos..."

"On your marks..." The man exclaimed cutting me off from my sentence.

"Get set..."

Marcos puts his foot on the gas pedal to get ready. I knew he was going to go super fast so I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist.


And that's when Marcos quickly hit the gas pedal. I thought he would rip it off from how hard he slammed his foot on it.


"WHAT?!" He teases me.

"I SAID MARCOS TAKE IT THE FUCK SLOW!" I yell at the top of my lungs.


"MARCOS LLORENTE MORENO!" I yell out hoping it would make him realize how serious I am being with him, but it only made him laugh.

He decided to tease me even more and make this wild turn while he was speeding.

I bring myself closer to him and hold onto him even tighter if that was possible. "MARCOS PLEASE!"

The rest of our time spent at the safari desert was spent of me constantly yelling at Marcos to take it easy and slow down a bit before I end up flying out of the vehicle.

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