Chapter 32

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Rinz's POV:

"Riiiiinz!" Afonso shouted as he walked into the house.

"Afonso!" I yelled back.

I was in the kitchen, eating since I haven't eaten much since the morning. I walk out of the kitchen to greet Afonso.


I laugh at him and hug him tightly. "I missed you." I told him.

"I missed you too." He says.

I look behind him and see a boy around our age. I pull away from the hug and look at Afonso, indicating to him to introduce me to the boy.

"Oh! Rinz this is my cousin. Cousin, as you already know, this is Rinz." He introduces us.

"Nice to meet you." I tell him.

He smiles and nods his head in my direction. "Same for you." He says.

"Are you ready to go to the match?" Afonso asks me.

"Si senior."

"Damn, Spanish girls." His cousin says.

Afonso hits him with his elbow. "Shut up, she's taken by my brother."

"I was hoping she knows someone else from Spain that is into Portuguese boys."

"Oh please."

I giggle at them.

"Here." Afonso says, throwing me a jersey.

I catch the jersey and look at it. It is a Milan jersey. I turned the jersey around and saw that it had Andre's name on the back.

"Go wear it, my brother will literally jump out of joy." He teases.

I laugh at him. "Thank you, Afonso." I pull him into a hug and run upstairs to Andre's room to change into the jersey.

As soon as I was done, I ran back downstairs. "I'm ready." I announce.

I put on my jacket before we head outside the door. Afonso locks the door and turns to us.

"Okay, Andre got us a taxi to take us to the match." He says.

"You don't drive?" I ask him.

"If he drives someone ends up dead."

"I don't have a car." He says, rolling his eyes.

I laugh at him and we all make our way to the taxi.

At the game...

"You know, Andre was so depressed when you were gone. I've never seen him that way before." Afonso tells me.

I slowly bite into my french fry and look at him. "Oh?"

"Yes, it was crazy. He was moody all the time, always sad, always deep in thought. If someone brought up your name in front of him he would act like it was the end of the world. He's never felt this way towards any girl."

"He's had a long-distance relationship with another girl before?" I ask him.

"Are you jealous?" He chuckles.

"Oh, please." I bite into another French fry.

"Her name was Sara and her and Andre barely lasted a week. She was nowhere near his type. They did not get along very well."

"Aha." I pick up a fry. "Andre and I get along very well, you know." I say, pointing the French fry at him.

"I know." He laughs. "Andre looks happy out there on the field while he is warming up. He must have been so happy and surprised to see you."

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