Chapter 18

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Rinz's POV:

"Okay, we have 2 minutes to find a way to arrange this birthday party." I say.

After greeting everyone and finally meeting my family, Andre excused himself to use the bathroom.

"How are you going to help us decorate if we know that Andre is going to be around with you all the time?" Igor asks.

"OKAY, I HAVE THE SOLUTION." Raveen says. "It's simple. Rinz, you take Andre out, keep him out of the house and distract him until we finish. Igor, you get the food ready, and make sure you buy a lot. Gori, you take care of the guests. Me and Marco will decorate."

"Huh, not bad. I'm in. Adios." Gori says leaving the kitchen.

"My baby is very smart." Marco says kissing her forehead.

That's when Andre walked in the kitchen and all three of them looked at me, giving me a look to get Andre out of the house.

"Well, me and Andre are going to head out of the house." I say.

"We are?" He asks.

"Yes, come on." I say tugging on his arm.

"Okay, whatever you want." He smiles at me.

"Marco can I borrow your car?" I smile innocently at him.

"Ugh no, borrow Igor's." He says.

"How am I going to get the food then you idiot?" He asks.

I mentally slap Igor.

"The groceries. Papa told me to get them." He covered up.


Marco dramatically sighs. "Fine, but take care of her! Drive slow." He says taking out his car keys from his pocket.

He looks at them. I start to get annoyed and impatient so I snatch it from his hands.

"Rude, I was telling her goodbye!" He says.

"Have fun you two!" Raveen waves at us.

"Take care of my sister!" Igor tells him.

"Always." He says looking at me.

"So where are we going?" He asks.

"Um, where do you want to go?" I ask. I literally had no where in mind.

"I don't know, I'm not familiar with Spain." He teases.

This guy, he used the same line I said when he asked me where I wanted to go in Italy. I playfully roll my eyes at him.

"So, do you have a place in mind?" He asks me.

"We are going to go to Cibeles." I say smiling.

"Interesting." He says. I could feel him smiling at me.

For the next two hours, we spent our time there. We took over a 100 pictures and fooled around. We even ended up playing tag at one point. Sometimes it would get annoying since the place would be crowded but we managed to make it work. But most importantly, we enjoyed each other's company.

Once we sat down on a bench after chasing each other, I decided to call Raveen to see what they had done.

"Hello?" She answers the phone.

"Hey! I called to check up on you guys." I say.

"Hahahaha MARCO stop! Hahaha. We're doing good." She says. "In fact, we are almost done, we just have to tie the balloons up." She tells me.

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