Chapter 2

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Rinz's POV:

When I saw him I felt like time stopped and everything around me stopped moving. The people that were walking back and forth at the airport to meet up with their friends or family stopped walking and the noise and chattering soon turned into silence. All that seemed to catch my attention was his eyes and that smile of his.

"CUS!" Gori shouted at me.

"Huh?" I shook my head and looked her way.

"You've been staring at him for 2 minutes, I think the boys are a little offended we did not greet them yet."

"Oh my God, my bad," I said feeling guilty.

We both walked up to the boys and greeted them.

"RIIIIIIIIIIIIINZ!" Borja squealed out with his arms open.

I run up to him and give him a big hug. "I missed you, idiot, welcome back to Madrid." I laugh.

"Muchas gracias amiga." He said messing my hair as I scolded him. "You're dressed up nice, eh?" He teases me.

"Shut up," I say as I fix my hair. "I felt like dressing up good today, do you got a problem with that?" I raise my eyebrow at him.

"No seniorita..." He said trying not to laugh and I roll my eyes at him, not knowing what his problem is.

Me and Borja are one year apart. We went to the same high school together until he had to move to Germany to play for Wolfsburg. We like to tease each other a lot, that is how we get along. We also understand each other since he is the person that's closest to me in age out of all of Marco's friends.

I greet Jesus and Marcos with a hug and Gori does the same. You can tell it was a bit awkward between her and Marcos, but they tried to play it cool. When Borja greeted her it was weird but in a good way. He was happier to see her than he usually would be. He gave a tight hug and told her she looks grown up from the last time he saw her. He said he liked her hair and her new way of dressing up. Gori blushed and thanked him. She then went over to Dani and gave him a warm hug welcoming him to Madrid. Then, he walked up to me.

"Hey, Rinz." He smiled at me. "Long time no seen. You look great by the way." He said looking me up and down before kissing both my cheeks and pulling me into a hug.

"Hey, Dani." I laughed while hugging him. While I was hugging him I noticed he had some cologne on and I could not help myself from smelling him. Man, he smelled good...


Dani and I pulled away from our hug from that fake cough we heard.

"Are you two done yet?" Marco said. "How long is a hug suppose to take?" He raises his eyebrows at us.

"Sorry," I mumbled and walked away. Borja came next to me and started laughing and I shoved him away.

"I know you two are dating." He simply said as we walked to his car.

"Excuse me, what?"

"Dani told me."

"When?" I asked shocked. I did not know that Dani had told anyone about us.

"On the plane ride." He laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"He kept staring at your pictures in this private folder he had on his phone. You could tell he couldn't wait to see you." He shook his head smiling.

By then, we had reached Marco's car and the boys were all throwing their bags in the trunk of Marco's vehicle.

"I call dibs on the passenger seat." Gori announced.

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