Chapter 30

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Rinz's POV:

Everyone left after family night sadly ended. Gori wanted to go out for a walk to clear her mind a bit, but once she saw Manu's story and saw that Borja was out with him walking in the same place she wanted to take a walk in, she changed her mind and decided to go straight to her home along with Mateo and Iza. Raveen left to get some sleep since tomorrow morning, we were all travelling to Abu Dhabi for the Club World Cup semi-finals. Hopefully, this will be another trophy to add to the club's history. I'm sitting on my balcony right now and thinking about Dani and Andre in general. The more I think about Dani, the more I realized that I do not feel the same way towards him that I felt when I first fell in love with him. And the more I think about Andre, the more I realized how much I miss him and wished I had him as my friend right now.

"It's cold out here." Marco says.

He walks into my balcony and places one of his jackets on my shoulders.

"Winter is here." He laughs.

"Thanks." I give him a smile.

"Abu Dhabi will be warm though."

"Yeah! I saw the weather, it's awesome."

"So, what are you doing out here?"

"Just thinking."


"My life."

He chuckles at me. "What's there to think about? You're still young, just enjoy life."

"If I want to enjoy it then I need to make the right choices." I say giving him a small smile.

"Well yeah, that's true."

We stay quiet and look at the sky. I noticed he was in deep thought too.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask him.

"Nothing, it's really calming out here. It is a good place to think." He laughs.

"Yeah." I smile at him.

It goes back to quiet before he starts to speak again.

"I don't know if you remember, but mom used to always sit at her balcony and think about her life too."

I look at him. "She used to knit ugly scarves for us on the balcony?" I raise my eyebrow at him.

"That was a distraction." He says looking at the sky. "She did more thinking than knitting."

"Thinking about.."

"Her sickness. Yeah." He looks at me. "I used to always hear her talking with papa about how she was so worried that she would end up leaving us and how she didn't want to because she knew we needed her."

My eyes began to water. "You're going to make me cry." I look away from him.

"I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to let you know how much you remind me of mama. You even look like her." He lightly laughs.

I smile at him and he pulls me in close to him, giving me a kiss on the head.

"Don't stay out here for too long it's cold!" He tells me as he leaves the balcony.

"Okay!" I yell back.

I go back to thinking about Andre and Dani. I pictured myself as mom and thought about what she would do if she was in my position. I get an idea and I run back into my room to grab a notebook and pen. I go back outside and sit on the chair on the balcony. I opened my notebook and wrote Dani's name on one paper and made two columns that said "pros and cons". I did the same thing for Andre on a different sheet of paper. I started to jot down random notes for me about each guy. When I was done, I look at both papers and compare them. Andre had way more pros than Dani did. Dani's page was filled up with a lot of cons. Only a couple pros popped into my mind when I thought of him. I sigh and close my notebook putting it down on the table. I get up and start to pace back and forth, trying to gather my thoughts. I stopped pacing when I realize something.

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