Chapter 25

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Rinz's POV:

"Are you feeling a little better now?" Dani asks me.

I slowly nod my head and place the empty bowl that was filled up with ice cream on the table. Whenever I'm sad I liked to eat, especially ice cream.

"Did something happen? Was it an arguement? Hate on social media? Andre- I mean um, if you want to talk about it..." He stutters at the end.

I stay quiet and I did not say a word to him. He's being sweet. He's talking to me like he didn't cheat on me. He's talking to me like he hasn't acted rude with me at training. After a couple of seconds that felt like hours, I grab the empty bowl and walk towards the kitchen to stay away from him. I needed to get over him.

"Are you ignoring me now?" He asks.

"You're here for Marco." I say.

I put the bowl and spoon in the sink and start to wash them.

"Maybe I don't care about Marco now and I want to be with y-"

As he was saying his sentence, I felt his arm wrap around my waist and I immediately move away from his touch. When I did that, I splashed soap and water at him by accident. Some of the soap went in his eyes.

"Ahhhh!" He yells rubbing his eyes.

Once he felt a little better he looked at me, giving me a look.

"I don't like you touching me." I say.

A while ago, I was crying my eyes out over him. I missed him so much, but I needed to get over him. He is not worth my time. I deserve someone better than him. Andre is better than him. Waaaaay better than him.

"You didn't mind it when we were dating." He jokes while laughing.

I give him a blank look.

He stops laughing. "Sorry, that was a bad joke." He apologizes.

I turn around to rinse out the bowl and spoon. Once I finished, I dried my hands with the towel in the kitchen and then I made my way out of the kitchen. That is until he grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"Can we talk?" He asks.

"We have nothing to talk about." I say pulling my hand away from him.

"Did Marco tell you that I needed to talk to you?"


"When did he tell you?"

"It's been a while."

"So, why haven't you talked to me yet?"

"Because like I said, we have nothing to talk about."

"We have a lot to talk about."

I roll my eyes at him and walk out the kitchen.

"Don't you want to know why I 'cheated' on you?!" He asks me while walking behind me.

"I don't really care about that at this point." I say.

"Oh really?"

I ignore him and continue to walk. He continues to follow after me.

"So what? You're going to try to tell me that you are happy with Andre when I damn well know you aren't?"

"You don't know crap." I spit out, continuing to walk and not look at him.

"I know that there are a lot of pictures of you when you're with him, you look like you're in deep thought." He says. "Almost like you're rethinking your relationship with him."

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