Chapter 38

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Rinz's POV:

I am downstairs sitting in the dining room eating breakfast. I had trouble sleeping last night, I kept waking up multiple times during the night and I have absolutely no idea why.

"Are you not hungry?" Mateo asks me. He grabs a seat and sits next to me. "You haven't touched your food."

"I don't feel like eating. I'm sleepy." I tell him.

"Looks like you didn't get enough sleep. Your eyes show it, plus you're the first one down for breakfast." He chuckles at me.

"Yes, I kept waking up at night." I say rubbing my eyes.

"Why? Are you having those dreams aga-"

"No! I'm not. And thank you for reminding me about them."

During the early stage at when my mother passed away, I have been getting these weird dreams about her. Sometimes I would see her being happy in my dreams and other times she would be the complete opposite. She would even tell me jokes and acompany me as if she was never gone.

"Sorry." He says. "People are starting to come down." He points at some of the people walking in the dining room. He was changing the subject.

Marco walks in with Raveen and Dani by his side. I accidentally make eye contact with Dani and he shoots a smile at my direction. I quickly look away from him.

"Don't smile to my cus! Smile to your girlfriend instead!" Mateo yells at him.

Dani doesn't turn to look at him and acts like he did not hear him. I chuckle at Mateo and pat his shoulder.

"Gracias, primo."

"Good morning you two." Gori greets us. She sits next to Mateo and leans back on her seat.

"Good morning, princess. How are you feeling today?" He sweetly asks her. He places his hand on her hair and turns her way to give her his attention.

"Better than last night." She smiles at him.

"Good. Where's your breakfast?" He asks her.

"I was going to get some right now."

"Great, I'll go with you." He says.

Mateo extends his hand out for Gori and she grabs it. Then, they make their way to the food to fill up their plates.

"Hey, Rinz." Raveen says. She sits down next to me after Gori and Mateo left.

"Hey." I tell her.

"You don't look like your normal happy self." She points out.

I roll my eyes. "Yes, I know I didn't sleep properly last night."


"I don't know."

"Something must be on your mind for you to not get enough sleep."

"No, not really." I shrug.

"You miss Andre, don't you?"


I was surprised to hear her say his name and my heart started to beat fast at the thought of him.

"You do miss him. It must be hard for you to date someone who is always so far away from you."

"We make it work..." I say slowly. Where was she going with this?

"Yeah, it is working now, but do you think that it will work forever? Absolutely not." She says shaking her head.

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