Chapter 40

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Gori's POV:

The moment Marcos parks in front of Rinz's house, Rinz opens her door and leaves the car without saying a word to us. I watch her run to her front door, walk in, and slam the door shut.

"I should go check up on her." I tell Marcos.

"Yeah," he nods his head at me. "I'll be waiting here for you when you come back." He sweetly smiles at me.

I return the smile and run over to Rinz's front door. Lucky for me, she didn't lock her front door and left it unlocked. I walk into her house and see Uncle Gilberto standing at the end of the stairway.

"Hola tio!"

"Hola Gori, what's wrong with Rinz? She won't talk to me and she is in her room crying." He asks me concerned.

"Um.." What the hell was I suppose to tel him? I definitely was not going to explain to him what Dani said back in the parking lot of the arena. "Nothing serious. She just got a bit emotional when she saw Dani."

"Why would she get emotional when seeing Dani?" He pauses for a moment before talking. "She doesn't still have feelings for him, does she?" He asks confused.

"What? No!" Oh my God, Gori. Way to play it smooth. "She just misses Andre."

He furrows his eyesbrows at me making me mentally facepalm myself. How do those two things fit together?

"Look tio, I'm just going to go upstairs and check up on her, make sure she is alright." I tell him.

"Okay." He says while nodding his head at me.

I run up the stairs and walk into Rinz's room without knocking. When I walk in, I see her lying in her bed with her head under her pillow. Just as I pictured her.


"Go away." She mumbles under her pillow.

"You know very well that I am going no where." I say sitting next to her on her bed. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"He humiliated me." She tells me while sitting up. She wipes her face and looks at her hands that were in her lap.

"He's an idiot. Besides that's normal since you two were dating back then. I mean, that's what boyfriends and girlfriends do.."

Absolutely disgusting. I certainly was not hoping Rinz would let Dani touch her in that way, hell I didn't want her to lose her virginity to him in the first place. Yet here I am trying to comfort her. The things I do for her...

"He lied. I didn't do anything of what he said."


Oh thank God.

"Yes, he snuck in my room when Angel, Bertto, and Brandon were here, but I didn't let him do that. He wanted to, he tried, but I wasn't ready. I didn't let him." She quietly tells me.

"You can go ahead and explain it to everyone who was there. Go tell them what actually happened, and they will believe you, not Dani."

"I didn't look at Marco or Igor's face to see what their reactions were like, but Marco sounded really mad."

Marco was definitely mad, there was no doubt in that. Once he gets home, he is going to probably barge in her room to ask her what the hell went on that night. That is if Uncle Gilberto doesn't stop him.

"Rinz, I think you should get some sleep. You go back to college tomorrow, you should get some rest." I tell her.

"What if he tells Andre what he told everyone today?" She wipes away more of her tears that were falling down her cheeks.

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