Chapter 33

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Gori's POV:

I stop by my hotel room and turn around to look at Marcos.

"Thank you for walking me to my room." I smile at him.

"No problem." He smiles back.

I lean on my hotel room door and we both stand there in awkward silence. Sometimes it gets awkward between me and Marcos because of why we broke up in the first place, but he is really cool. He's fun to hang out with and I've known him since I was young so it wasn't so easy for me to let him go. Yes, I know it sounds dumb of me to do that because he cheated on me, but that's not my fault. I got mad at him for some time, but I found myself slowly starting to forgive him for what he did. I guess that's what happens when you're close with someone for a long time and love them a lot.

"I should get-"

"Marcos?" I cut him off.


"Thank you for a fun night. I don't think I should be even saying this, but I wasn't happy before and now after coming back from our night out, you cheered me up." I tell him.

"I knew something was bothering you and I wasn't planning on leaving you until I made you feel better." He says.

I smile at him and pull him into a tight hug.

"Thanks again."

"Anytime, Gori." He says, letting me go. "See you in the morning." He says walking off.

I walk into my room only to be faced with Adriana.

"Finally! Someone decides to show up." She says.

"Nice to see you too." I say, throwing myself on my bed.

"I was so lonely." She says. "Where were you?"

"Out in Abu Dhabi."


"With Marcos."

"Ooooooh." She crosses her legs and sits down in her bed next to mine. She then gives her full attention to me.

I roll my eyes at her and get up from my bed to walk to my suitcase to take out my pajamas to wear.

"DON'T LEAVE!" She yells out.


"Come over here and tell me everything that happened between you two."

"What happened between us? Nothing." I say, searching through my bag.

"Did you break up with Borja because you still like Marcos?"

I drop my clothes on the floor and turn around to look at her. "Excuse me?"

"I'm just asking." She raises her hands up in defeat.

I sigh. "No, that's not the reason why. It is nothing like that."

"Well, how was your night out with Marcos?"

"Adventurous." I smile, remembering the crazy night we both had.

"In what way?"

I look at her and I see that she had some smirk on her face.

"We ran away from a mad store owner." I casually say as I pick up my clothes from the floor.

"Madre mia, what?"

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