Chapter 7

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"Let's go out for icecream." Sergio says.

"No, coffee." Toni argued.

"How about cake?" Gareth suggests.

We were in the hotel lobby deciding where to go to get a treat. It was Mateo's idea to celebrate the fact that me and Gori are not single anymore, but not everyone actually knows the reason behind this treat except for a few.

"You all better be back early and not stay out late. You guys have a match to play tomorrow." Zidane tells them.

"Yes, Zizou. You can count on me to bring them back on time." Marcelo reassures him.

"I hope so." He says walking off.

"So why are we going out to get a treat?" Marcos asks while drinking his free juice he got from the lobby.

"Rinz and Gori aren't single anymore and I love them so much. So, me being the proud brother/cousin I am, I decided to celebrate and invite whoever wanted to come over." Mateo tells him.

Marcos started coughing a lot because he was choking on his juice. Once he calmed down he asked, "Gori isn't single anymore?!"

"Nope." Mateo replies to him.

"Who's she dating?" Marcos seemed to be really shocked about this news.

Mateo rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed with the questions Marcos is asking him. "Borja." He simply says walking away from him.

Marcos stood there with his mouth hung open, in shock. "Can you believe that?!" He asks me and Dani.

"What?" I ask.

"Borja, he's my best friend, almost like my brother, how could he do this? How is he dating my ex?" He asks aggravated.

"Exactly, she's your ex. You moved on, she has the right to do so too. They both can go out with whoever they want." Dani casually answers back.

Marcos looked back and forth at me and Dani. "Yeah, you're right." He says walking to the elevator. He pressed the button, got into it, and went up. I'm guessing up to his room.

"He's not coming?" I ask Dani.

"Looks like he isn't." He answers.

"Is he jealous?" I hesitantly ask.

"Not sure, but he has no right to be." He tells me. "Come on, let's go. It looks like they are about to leave."

That night was fun. We ended up going to multiple shops since every player wanted something different to eat. Suprisingly, Marcelo successfully got us back to the hotel on time, early just like he had told Zizou.


Match day. Today Real Madrid were going to play against Manchester United. Sadly Dani, Marco, Borja, Jesus, and Marcos weren't allowed to play in today's game since they arrived to LA and trained with the team late. I was currently sitting with Gori in our hotel room, wasting time until the time to go to the match comes. We were both on our phones going through our Instagram feeds. I stopped scrolling through my notifications until I saw something.

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