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Let me tell you a little about myself before you read my story. My name is Rinz Asensio and I'm 19 years old. I'm a college student studying nutrition. I live in Madrid, Spain along with my two older brothers and my father. Before living in Madrid we used to all live in Mallorca with my mother. I'm really good at singing. You can catch me singing all the time, whether it is in the shower, while doing my homework, during a car ride; basically anywhere, anytime. I can play the guitar, but not in a  professional way.

The reason we moved to Madrid was that my brother is a professional footballer and he was lucky enough to get called up to play for one of the best football clubs in the world, Real Madrid. He is just two years older than me and we get along very good. He has a girlfriend named Raveen, who he has been with for about a year now. They met at the gym when Marco's friends challenged him to play against her in a ping pong game. Raveen was really good at ping pong, considering she is a professional so you probably guessed who won that game. From that game on, she caught Marco's attention and he could not leave her without getting her phone number.

My oldest brother's name is Igor Asensio. He is a police officer who lives in Mallorca, Spain, but he usually visits Madrid a lot to check up on us and attend some of Marco's important games. I also get along with him very well. He has a girlfriend named Estefi and she is always with him, they travel everywhere together.

If you're wondering where my mother is, well she passed away when I was 13 because she had cancer. We were all affected by her leaving us that year, but that got us closer to each other and we all learned how to be there for one another. That made us stronger and we cared for one another more than we ever did before. I went through a tough time without my mother since she was the only female in the house other than me. That made me happy to have her around knowing that she would understand me and I could tell her anything. She used to help me through my school problems especially with the problems I faced against my classmates since they were a little too annoying with me. She told me what to do and guided me through almost all my years of middle school. I will admit, high school was a struggle without having her there. My father was really sad at the moment when he found out that the love of his life is gone and won't ever come back. Igor never really said much about my mother and tried to act like everything was normal to keep us all strong, but I could tell that he misses her a lot and is affected by it as much as we all were. Marco was probably the most one out of all of us who was affected by our mother's death considering the fact that she was never there to see what he has achieved throughout the rest of his years in the football field. Every time he achieves something big, he thanks our mother and every time he scores a goal, he looks straight up at the sky and dedicates that goal to her and thinks of her because he knows she is there watching him.

I have two cousins, Gori and Mateo Kovacic. Mateo also plays in Real Madrid and is a professional footballer. He is 23 years old and is married to a gorgeous woman named Izabella. Gori is a year younger than me, making her 18 years old and I love her so much. I never had a lot of friends because I mnlw that most of them only wanted to get close to me because my brother is famous, but since Gori feels the same way we are inseparable and we understand each other more than anyone else does.  Gori is really good at photography. You can catch her taking pictures of literally anything and she would make it look very asthetic. Everything was a piece of art in her point of view. We are always together and we do everything together. My father would always tell us stories about when we were little and how we would always have each other's backs. Like that one time when I was 7 and Mateo tried to put salt in Gori's juice, but I caught him and stopped him. You may think that they are the type of siblings that bicker and fight a lot, but they actually get along really well and are extremely close.

Off to my story now......

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