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phew i was nearly there at the library. i could see it right infront of me. to not look suspicious i walked behind the bus stop to regain my breath. after a few deep cleansing breaths, i took a step in.

the librarian greeted me and i smiled at her back. i asked her, "ah excuse me ms lee but have u seen a boy with blonde hair potentially looking very out of breath from my school. he is park jimin, the athletic one all he girls want??"

she thought about it for a moment, " ah i know of him but he hasn't come here yet?? why are you asking?"

"well you see," i stuttered on my words, " i have to talk to him about our joint year assignment and we said we'll meet here." i blatantly lied but it's not like it would hurt anyone.

i went and sat at the most hidden shadiest table possible because that mysterious vibe™.
now all i had to do was see if jimin thought of the same thing as me.

a few moments i was a person no other than park jimin sprint through the door. the way his cheeks were all red and puffy really made me want him to notice my existence quicker.


i nearly couldn't breathe i feel like i was about to faint. as i ran into the library, the librarian stopped me.
"ah park jimin a young man is apparently meeting you here,"

who could it be hmmm?? i smiled and said a thank you before i went to the bookshelf i saw him at. maybe i could find his name is the books. it was going to be a tiring process but i just wanted to find out who he was.

after going through around half of the shelf i found a book last taken out by


min y g ??? the 2 syllables of his name. it all made sense. i was satisfied with my findings so i went to exit the library when i saw him. he was running out of the library. i guess he wanted to see me.

i ran and shouted at him but he had disappeared. i hope i was going to see him at school with that i felt something hard. i was out


i had hidden behind the bus stop. i felt bad but it would be really awkward to talk to him, especially now.

everything was then silent i peered to see what was happening then i saw him on the floor. he fainted.

i picked him up and propped him upright at the bus stop. this is quicker and we didn't have time to waste.

finally the bus came and we were getting back to school. the ride was quiet with only me but i couldn't stop worrying about jimin. would be fine??

finally we were at school. i picked him up and quickly took him to the nurse's office.

i told them of the problem and they nodded saying i should come back in around half an hour if i wanted to check up on him. you know i was going to go.

that incident with jimin happed around 45 minutes ago and i had around 15 minutes of lunch. all i cared about if he was fine so from my class room i went to the nurse's office.

i told him i was there to visit park jimin and they let me go it.

he was on the infirmary bed looking quite pale. but oh gosh his lips. they drove me crazy; goosebumps appeared all over my skin. all i wanted to do was be in his arms. i took a chair and sat next to the bed to admire him. his face was just perfect, if i could, i would definitely be head of the park jimin fanclub along with all his other fangirls. but obviously i couldn't expose myself so it had to do that subtly.

it reminded me of when i brung him home to mine and he was asleep on my pillow. even though his jawline was much more sharper,most probably because he was working out, his chubby cheeks still remained there.

oh how i loved him. i stood up from my chair and kissed his forehead. he wouldn't notice. i realised he was a deep sleeper.
"hope you get better jiminie," i whispered to myself.

without wanting to I got a reply, "thank you cute library guy." his voice was all groggy but it was still cute.

"don't worry you'll know me one day," i let out a little chuckle.

"i hope so," he replied i was about to leave when he said,
"mr min can you stay with me longer?? i enjoy your company."
my heart skipped a beat. i was quite surprised. even though he was asleep he could still talk to me.

"i wish i could but i have lessons now. can i make it up another time??" i asked him.

"sure. thank you."

"no problem jimin the pleasure is all mine."

and with that i exited the infirmary room and told the nurses jimin was doing okay.

he wanted my company?? i was thinking of ideas for a date but i doubt that would happen soon.

a/n i wonder what jimin's idea company is. you'll see. stick around...

my galaxy ~yoonmin| #wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now