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i walked out of school and got the bus home. it was only around 30 minutes since i had left so hopefully jimin wasn't feeling lonely and didn't burn the building down with his pancakes.


i got to my door and knocked waiting for jimin to open the door.

i saw the door knob twist and i saw jimin shirtless with my apron on . wow he just looked so good. his waist was so slim and his collar bones so defined and sharp. all i wanted was to mark him as mine. he was irresistible.

he looked down at himself,

"ahh checking me out are you?" he chuckled as he pulled me inside, " i didn't want your shirt to be splattered with oil so yep i took it off."

i shoved my bag on the floor, "ahhhh makes sense, very thoughtful of you,"

he smiled and grabbed my arm taking me to the table.

"breakfast is served,"

then he pulled a chair out for me to sit.

i sat down and he took a seat on the other side of me. it was nice not to be lonely for once.

"okay so the pancakes at the bottom are a bit burnt but they're still edible and i sort of raided your shelves and found chocolate spread and strawberry jam so enjoy!!"

he looked cute like a little amateur baker, all i wanted was him in my arms.

"thanks jimin," i told him and he shook his head as he took the chocolate spread and smothered the pancake in it.

he rolled it up and took a bite, he had a bit of chocolate below his lip.

" wait let me clean this up for you," i leaned over the table and gave him a peck on the lips, biting his lower lip to get the chocolate.

" i love you yoongi do you know that? you're everything i see. the sun, the stars, the clouds. just you."

i suddenly got all flustered and didn't know how to reply. all my insides were a volcano and my heart was pumping so quickly it felt like it was about to explode out of my veins.

"i love you too jimin," i replied looking into his warm deep eyes.

then we went back to our normal conversations with hints of flirting in between.

i liked him and he liked me. this was perfect.

after we had finished our pancakes. i stood up.
"ummm do you want another set of clothes?" i asked him.

he nodded his head as he stood up as well.

i went to my bedroom with him walking behind me.

"umm pick as you please."

he opened my wardrobe and started to scour through everything i had. we were about the same height so most stuff would fit him.

he pulled out a pair of ripped jeans and a white shirt.

"is this okay?" he asked as he placed the pieces of clothing against himself.

he must look really good in ripped jeans. i wondered to myself but what pair did he get??

i quickly chose some clothes and let him change in my room since i was very nice and respectful even though it would be something.

i went into the guest room and neatly put back my uniform on the hangers. it was a waste of washing but i mean i was going to wear them tomorrow as well so it wouldn't really matter.

i walked out the room with my ensemble of jeans and hoodie i stole from jin.

there i saw jimin. shit.

a/n oooh i updatedd!! well how was this? i quite enjoyed writing this and i hoped you enjoyed reading it aswell. stick around.

my galaxy ~yoonmin| #wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now