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finally all of my boring lessons have finished in time for lunch. it was mostly just teachers warning us for our tests and telling us to revise.  the joke is on them because no one will but i guess it is part of their job. most of them didn't want to be here either.

i went to the canteen to get my lunch since i obviously didn't bring any from home. jimin said he was waiting for me at the trees so that was my next destination. on the way there i saw a bunch of jimin's fangirls just staring at me. i guess that was normal? who knows. probably because i was stealing their 'oppa' from them. 

i made my way  across the field, my feet careful not to step on small blossoming flowers in between the blades of  grass. in front of me i saw a blanket filled with various dishes of food and jimin sitting there, cross legged. he then stood up and took me into his arms.

"yoongi, here take a seat. i have a little picnic for us." his fingers creating a swirling pattern into my back. i pulled away and then sat down, making myself comfortable. 

"what occasion is this for may i ask?" did i miss anything? if i did i was going to be so ashamed of myself. no harm in asking i guess.

"nothing, i'm just a really nice boyfriend" he smirked at me with those plump lips of his.

" yes yes i have to agree with that,"  i pulled him in and quickly pecked him on the lips. I just couldn't resist.i pulled away and saw his face turning a rosy colour as it usually does. he was just so cute. 

"but also i'm planing on telling the fangirls i'm with you so i have to make it special."

"you extra bitch i swear."

he scoffed,"you're not wrong."

then i saw jungkook and tae appear out of nowhere. they were holding candles and a bouquet of yellow flowers. 

"as per request jimin." jungkook smiled and placed the stuff they had bought on the blanket next to jimin's feet. 

jimin nodded to them as a thanks and they soon left us. jimin picked up the bouquet and placed it into my hands, 

"i thought you might like these," i raised the bouquet up to my nose and smelt the roses. they were fresh but had tinges of something sweet. just heavenly.

"yes they're beautiful jimin... just like you," he turned even more pink now. he tried to cover his face with his hands but it was no use since his hands were quite small. 

"stop jimin it looks cute on you," i smiled to him. i took one of the flowers and placed it behind his ear. 

"see cute." i pulled out my phone and took a picture of him. " now shall we eat? i'm quite hungry."

jimin nodded still quite flustered and handed me a pair of chopsticks from the hamper he had next to him. 

we both dug in and enjoyed the meal. i wondered where he got all of this food since he didn't have it the morning. who knows?

after we had finished jimin looked at his phone and swiftly texted someone. 

"uhh so the fanclub should be arriving, don't be nervous and if you are i'm here for you."

 "same here jimin."

i smiled at his nice gesture and took his hand to hold. i could see a crowd of girls from the distance running to us. 

they then all stopped and bowed,

" hello jimin-oppa," they all said in unison. it was honestly really scary. 

"hello everyone i have something to say, i am dating..." all the girls then started to shout out possible names, i head a lot of 'jangmi' but luckily that wasn't possible anymore.

"actually no not what you are thinking, i'm actually dating min yoongi who is here beside me,"

he lifted up our interlocked hands for the girls to see. gasping was heard from each and everyone of them. others were disgusted and others genuinely happy.

"ewwww what so you're gay that's horrible i'm leaving the park jimin fanclub," this girl shouted with her face twisted as if she had just eaten a lemon. a bunch of others followed her until there were only a handful of girls left. 

a/n ayee imma double update because i feel nice and there is going to be a bunch of back story in these next chapters and i want it to be over and done with lol 


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