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opening the door to the house i realised my mum was home due to the parked car out in the front. she would notice the gargantuan canvas i was holding. shit. no matter what i thought of to get upstairs unnoticeably, my mum would still realise i'm home. oh well.

i stepped into the porch, hearing my mum rushing to go from the kitchen. the smell of warm homemade food wafted in the air and mingled around my nose making me feel a hole in my stomach.

at the doormat i slipped my shoes off and walked onto the linoleum floor. my mother greeted me with a hug, by instinct making me drop the painting and hugging her back.

"i feel like i haven't spent with you lately are you okay? why are you skipping school?" she asked me rubbing my back.

"oh it's nothing i feel it was easier to revise at the library with help from others," i was basically referring to yoongi but she wouldn't know.

she nodded as she pulled out of the hug. her attention was drawn to the painting between my leg and the wall. she pointed to it?

"what's that chim?"

i nervously laughed, "well you know how i said i was revising with others. well one of them is an older year and he helped me with some revision so he asked me if he could paint me for one of his practice pieces."

she took the canvas and walked all the way into the living room propping it on the sofa. her eyes widened, her face expanding second by second.

"wow this is absolutely amazing. and who is this boy called then? he surely has talent."

i blushed knowing my mum called my boyfriend talented which indeed he was.

"min yoongi and..." she cut me off.

"he is such an amazing kid. do you remember him from the park? when you and him would go on the see-saw and would promise things to each other. really cute you two were."

i felt really shook from her story time. i thought that was tae in which i did that with but apparently not.

"wow i can't remember but if you don't mind i shall go upstairs and do some work," i went to reach for the canvas when my mum stopped me, pulling my hand away in her tight grip.

"this is staying downstairs for now but if you want you can call yoongi over for dinner. we'll be eating at around 7pm when your father comes."

i nodded and went upstairs.
yoongi was going to meet my parents? i wonder how that was going i go. i walked into my room slinging my school bag onto the floor and falling onto my bed face-first. rolling so that i was facing the ceiling, i pulled out my phone to text yoongi but my lock screen showed 2 messages from him.

hope you're home safe

i already miss you :,(

I smiled at the messages texting him back.

yep thank goodness also no more jangbitch i can rejoice

my mum said your art is really nice and if you wanted to join join us for dinner at 7??

i placed my phone onto my desk and changed into some lounge sweat pants and a white shirt. simple and comfortable. then i heard a ping from my phone. yoongi replied

ah yes sure do i have to dress formally or? i guess i need to make a good impression.

i typed back

jeans and a shirt is fine nothing too extra

i saw yoongi typing but my mum shouted my name and so i rushed downstairs.

i saw her with a hammer and some screws in her hand and yoongi's painting leaning against a plain wall.

"help me will you? i think this is absolutely beautiful. also the message on the back is so cute! i'm happy both of you have rekindled your friendship."

i nodded my head holding the painting as my mum hammered into the wall. the words she stated ran through my mind. rekindled our friendship? were we that close when we were small?

she then asked for the painting and skilfully placed it on the wall. walking back, we were both mesmerised by the beauty on the wall. thank you yoongi thank you.

a/n i haven't proofread so sorry for any mistakes but yoongi and jimin were friends as children. i wonder what happened. you have to wait and see.


my galaxy ~yoonmin| #wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now