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thank goodness jimin saved me from him. i was about to break down. i was trying hard not to let the crystals of tears drop from my eyes and create intricate mazes on my cheeks. he was criticising my art and ripping up work and throwing stuff away which apparently was either not suitable or just poorly drawn. since when did he have a say? its not like he just left me one day and now he apparently has the right to break everything i've ever loved. the stuff i worked hard on and enjoyed. all broken to pieces. but i was with jimin now. hopefully i would feel better. at least he didn't break him.

"yoongi i tried to save stuff but this is all i got," jimin handed me my sketchbook which i drew in everyday. i smiled as i engulfed him into my arms. i was so thankful for him.

"i love you jimin thank you so much," he was breathing heavily but at a soft pace down my neck.

"no need to thank me but we sort of have to get to school, seokjin is worried you're going to miss some exam you have next."

i cursed under my breath. i completely forgot about that. i pulled back so i wouldn't be hugging jimin anymore and i took hold of his hands.

"well its good we have ten minutes left of break." i ran to the bus stop with him following. surprisingly the air-resistance upon us was quite weak and we arrived there fairly quickly. i wasn't really surprised he kept up with me.

we took the bus and we finally arrived at school.

"you should go into the bathroom to change and i think the bell is going to ring afterwards so meet me at the tree at lunch?"

i nodded to jimin's words as i gave him a peck on the cheek and hurried to the bathroom. i realised i had bruises of every colour dotted all over me but luckily jimin bought the long sleeved jumper so it was easy to hide.

after i had changed, i quickly went to the room where i was about to have my test next. there i saw jin sitting in my place with textbooks and flashcards spread over all the surface. the desk didn't look visible at all. it was like someone had dumped every school supply they had ever owned and tried to make it neat. nevertheless i went to say hello to him.

"you bitch! where were you this morning? i didn't have a revision partner. now come on before the bell rings." jin pulled a chair next to him and for the last 5 minutes we crammed as much as we could. it wasn't normally what i'd do but at this moment in time i had no choice.

our minutes of cramming were up when the bell rang down the halls. jin quickly shoved all of his resources into a plastic bag and placed it at the back of the class. i got into my place realising i had no writing utensils what so ever. i begged jin for some just saying that today was long story and that i'd explain later so he agreed and lent me his spare pencil case full of things. this was going to be an interesting exam.


i walked out of the room, my hands spazzing due to all the amount of writing i had to do in a very short amount of time. i then felt some ones hand gripping mine. i looked to the side to see that it was jimin. i interlocked our fingers and continued to walk.

"what are you doing here?" i asked him as we casually walked through the expanse of people.

"well first of all jin told me your test was here and i also just happen to have my lesson down this corridor so why not?" he raised his eyebrows and i chuckled a bit covering my mouth as i did so.

"honestly i don't know how i can deal with you."

a/n so i guess this is a bit of a filler but you'll see what happens in the next few chapters ;))))

my galaxy ~yoonmin| #wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now