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as i was walking from the bus stop back home i remembered my dad was going to be home. i didn't care of what he thought anymore so i'd just tell him to leave. as i got to my door i took my keys out but the door was already open. i took my shoes off and started to look around the apartment for signs of him, nothing.

i walked into my room to see everything put back neatly and some of the pieces put back neatly with tape. weird. i wouldn't think he'd do that. i placed all my stuff like my sketchbook and phone on the desk and headed for the kitchen to get a drink of water. as i got a glass out from one of the top compartments i saw piece of paper below me. i placed the glass on the counter and picked the letter up into my hands. the handwriting was very scruffy but i knew who wrote this:

to yoongi,

i'm sorry i've been such a shitty father.

i realise this and i'm so sorry. i'm sorry for breaking everything you've ever loved and also leaving you here alone. i'm guessing you like it here though so this is officially your place. the solicitor people or what ever will sort it out. as for me, i've found a place and i'm sorry for disturbing you like that. i was also intoxicated drunk and i wanted to sober up for the purposes of writing this letter and also for my well being. i hope you understand that. and i know you're gay. no need to hide it from me. that was another reason why i was really angry with you but your mother really loved dick so it wasn't really a surprise you would as well. you do you son.

- dad

i don't know why but i could my eyes feel slightly watery. even though he was very shitty, i could tell he wrote this from heart and i really appreciated that. nice to know he accepted me and the place was mine. i placed the flimsy piece of paper down and finally got my drink of water which i was dying.

being the responsible person i was, actually revised because i had nothing better to do with my time. wow how much i loved history. my favourite subject1!1!!!11!!111


when i got home i got a text from taehyung

tae: yo bro we didn't meet at break but its all good do u want to come with me and cock to the milkshake place in the city?

tae: kook********** i will kill auto correct istg

jimin: yh sure who cares abt school lol

tae: okay good see u in 30?

jimin: all fine with me

i put all my school stuff away and chose a simple outfit. a graphic tee and my jeans. well the ones yoongi wore because he gave them back to me but still. i called my mum saying taehyung invited me to the milkshake and she said to take care. with that i stepped out of the house and took a bus to the city.

the journey was nice and calming and no people my age were blasting horrible grime music with their cheap speakers from poundland. i decided to put my earbuds in and listen to some nice piano music since my soul felt somewhat uplifted for some reason.

i got off at my stop and started to walk towards the milk shake place. the street lights were on for some reason even though it was still light outside. the city was nice and clean. it felt very refreshing and clear. i walked down along the path with lots of bushes of flowers and trees. birds were singing their gleeful songs making a peaceful feeling rush through me. walking at a casual pace, i turned left to be faced by the milk shake place.

i opened the door and walked in to see a booth occupied by tae and jungkook on the same side. i smiled to them as they greeted me and i sat opposite to them.

"umm so jimin we have something to tell you," jungkook spoke shakily.

a/n i'm sure you can probably guess lol

my galaxy ~yoonmin| #wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now