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out of instinct i complimented him and pulled him in for a hug. i think i was falling for him even more.

he pulled away.

"i mean do u want comfier clothes?? school uniform is quite uncomfortable?" he asked me.

i was literally dying but i've learnt over the years not to show it but he would probably give me one of his shirts and damn he smells heavenly like warm buttered popcorn so i was bound to keep his shirt and wear it forever.

"uhhhh sure," i said calmly as i took a seat on the soft sofa. this sofa would be perfect to cuddle with him at a movie or something. would that be to early?? i mean who knows.

"okay then one second," he told me as he went into his room. as he was doing that i was still looking at his painting. why did he say it's not his best. it's just amazing. like him. oh gosh i was so soft and mushy.

he came back with 2 shirts and a pair of sweatpants.

"umm i didn't know which one would fit you," he handed me a black shirt with some tour dates on the back, probably from a concert he went to and a white shirt with a sunset on it, "you can try them on in there," he pointed to his bedroom door.
i nodded and took the clothing.
as i entered his room i saw what looked like more of his artwork and pictures of him and his friends. it seemed like he cared a lot about them.

i mean it probably wasn't my place to snoop around but i did it anyways because i was curious to find out more about him.
he had a shelf full of books arranged by colour and albums the same way. he seemed very creative.
then on his desk i saw a small washi-taped notebook.
i opened it and sat on his bed to look at it.
it was filled with his sketches.
mostly aesthetic scenery like beaches and the sky. i was just blown away.
i kept on flipping the pages until i finally saw drawings of people.
it was me.
i was the only person he had drawn. and it was beautiful.
all the shading was precise and the way he drew my hair you could tell he cared a lot.

now with a warm feeling filling myself, as if i wasn't soft enough, i started to smile knowing i was meaningful enough for him to draw me.

i placed his notebook back onto his desk and tried the first black shirt on. it seemed that he had a bigger frame than me because this was like a sea on me. but i didn't mind. it looked okay.
i then tried the more aesthetic one. i preferred this one more. it reminded more of him. even better. 
i then changed into the sweat pants and folded the other shirt neatly and put it on the corner of his bed.
i walked out of his room and went up to him?? what do you think? a smile instantly appeared on his face followed by some giggles.
"yes amazing but you have the shirt the wrong way round," he smiled as he pointed that the sunset was supposed to go on the back.

"i mean how was i supposed to know if you cut off your tags!" i exclaimed as i started to laugh along with him.

"it looks nice on you either way don't worry about it."
i think my softness was coming through as i felt all my blood rush to my face. i'm pretty sure i was blushing.

a/n don't mind me just being so soft while writing this. all i'm going to say is that some 'interesting' stuff is going to happen in the next few chapters so keep an eye out for that. hope you enjoyed!!

my galaxy ~yoonmin| #wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now