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i started walking to my bus stop. it was all good and well until my phone started to buzz. i pulled it out of my inside pocket.
it was an unknown number but i picked up anyways.




"oh don't worry just take it off the hob and turn the notch down," i instructed him while my hands were red and trembling because of the bitter air surrounding me.

"uh okay thanks!"

"no problem." he ended the call and i put my phone and hands back into my warmish pockets waiting for the bus to come.

for a few minutes i was standing there shivering until the bus briskly pulled up infront of me.

like a penguin, i walked into the bus, showing the driver my pass and sitting down next to the condensed window.


i walked to my classroom, luckily the school had its heating turned on so it was nice and warm, defrosting my icy hands and toes.

i opened the door and all i could hear was the sound of jin's voice shouting my name from across the classroom.

" min yoon-GIIIIIII!"

he came up to me and slung his arm over my shoulder.

" so what happened yesterday with jimin? i did a good job covering for you yesterday so no one noticed a thing,"

a feeling of relief flew over me but at the same time i wasn't sure whether i should tell jin everything so i told him briefly while walking down to my desk.

" well we went to my cafe then we went to my place and watched a few movies and yeah."

jin lifted up his eyebrow, signaling that it wasn't enough and that he was very dissatisfied.

"ye what yoongi? you're not telling me everything."

i gave in. how could i not tell my best friend everything?

"well he sort of couldn't sleep so he came into my room and sort of, well out of nowhere i sort of well i... kissed him,"

jin's eyes and mouth were wide and he fell into a seat which he was hovering above.

"oh. my. you boy. you've only known him for what, a day? but i give you permission, when can i plan this wedding?"

jin looked very eager for this to be a thing.

"well i mean im supposed to be sick so i can go back home and spend more time with him but if you want to plan it go ahead."

"wow can you guys get even cute? so when are you going to be 'sick' then?"

"probably after first lesson, i don't want him to keep waiting and for his fangirls to hunt me down and attack me since they have the detective skills of flipping sherlock. also he has made nearly burnt pancakes and i don't want them to get too cold."

"wow i'm dying of cuteness but i should go back to my seat byee!"

jin skipped to his seat a few places in front of me as i waved at him .

the teacher arrived in class and we all stood up.

"sit down sit down, today it'll just be revision all day since most of your subject teachers are in for training so do your work. no phones or any food but you can drink water since i don't you to faint or die in my class. you also have break and lunch at the same time so get started."

the teacher was very lazy and was probably catching up on her drama on netflix instead of marking planners.

i put my hand up to start my  plan.

"umm i feel sick like im going to throw up can i,"

she interuppted me without any hesitation.

" ugh yes i don't want to see sick it makes me gag."

i packed my stuff quickly and went to the infirmary.

the nurse greeted me, knowing me from when i visited jimin.

"what brings you here young man?"

i sat down on the chair in the room and placed the bag on the floor.

"could i have some paracetamol? i feel really sick," i told her.

" ah don't worry i know you want to visit your boyfriend and bunk school to care for him since he sick again. please do. ill just tell the school you had a throbbing migraine."

"wow thank you so much..."

a/n i'm on a lowkey hiatus but don't worry i have some chapters drafted which should be released sometime this week as well. hope you enjoyed this chapter and just a lil spoiler these next few chapters are honestly so cute and fkfkkvlfldld. yep basically. stick around.

my galaxy ~yoonmin| #wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now