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Your POV

As I open my eyes to the sunlight I realize that I've been laying there for almost an hour. I get up to go for a walk on the beach and as I start walking I hear a voice yelling something to me. Watch out is the last thing I hear before everything goes black.

When I wake up I see a blurry figure sitting over me. As the person gets clearer and clearer I realize who it is. Shit! Finn freaking Wolfhard is sitting over me. I started to freak out as I heard him say something. I blacked out again. Great.

Finn's POV

As we got to the beach we put a big blanket on the ground while getting the volleyball.
- Should we start right away? Gaten asked me.
- Yeah sure, I said while looking at the others.
- Anyone else wanna play? I asked the rest.
Millie and Caleb wanted to play but not Sadie and Noah.
We went out on the beach not so long from where we had are stuff and started playing.
Everything we're going good until I, The dumb one, smashed it so hard it hit a walking girl in the head. Watch out I yelled but before she had the chance to move it hit her in the head.
I ran over to her and she had blacked out.
After a couple of minutes she started to open her eyes.
- Hey are you okay? I asked.
She starred at me looking freaked out before blacking our again.

Your POV

As I opened my eyes the second time there weren't anyone there. Oh it was just a dream I thought to myself before standing up and brushing of the sand from my body. Then I looked to my side and saw three boys and one girl looking at me. They started walking towards me as I couldn't believe my eyes.
- Hi, they all said while looking at me.
I was in shook but somehow I managed to say hi back.
- Are you okay? one of the boys said
- Yeah I'm fine just a little dizzy, I said giving them a smile.
- I'm so sorry, another boy said.
- It's okay, it was an accident.
- Uh I'm Finn, he then said.
- Yeah I know, I said while having the biggest grin on my face probably making me look crazy.
- Oh well then you probably know that this is Millie Caleb and Gaten.

Finn's POV

She had the biggest smile on her face while talking to us.
- Uh I'm Finn, I said while smiling at her.
- I know, she said smiling.
- Well then you probably know that this is Millie, Caleb and Gaten.
- Yes I do, it's nice to meet you.
We talked a bit and took some pics, because she was a fan, and then we asked if she wanted to hang with us. 'Yeah sure' she answered.
We walked over to Sadie and Noah and they introduced themselves to her. We sat down and talked for a while, but then I asked her something.
- Hey you never said your name, I said.
- Oh, it's y/n.
- y/n... pretty, I mumbled to myself
She started to blush a lot. I could tell she felt embarrassed but I just thought she were cute.

Your POV

When we got to Sadie and Noah they introduced themselves and we sat down and talked.
- Hey you never said your name, Finn said.
- Oh, it's y/n
- y/n... pretty, he mumbled but I could heard.
When Finn said that I started blushing a lot, I felt like a tomato. Finn Wolfhard compliments me and I embarrass myself. Great.

This part where longer then the others ~ Alice

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