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Your POV

I woke up with a headache. I got up to get an aspirin as I saw all the girls asleep in their beds. I walked to the bathroom and took an aspirin before beginning to do my makeup. One by one the girls woke up checking on me to see if I was okay, every time I told them I was okay. I don't know if they believed me but it was the truth, I was really okay because today I was meeting my bestfriend for the first time.

I chose my outfit before going downstairs.

I chose my outfit before going downstairs

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Your outfit

I fixed a light breakfast since Talia and I were probably going to eat a lot today. I said good morning to Wyatt and Finn before eating my breakfast on the balcony with the girls.

- Time skip to just before leaving -

I was really nervous to meet Talia, I don't know why maybe I'm just worried she won't like me. I took a deep breath before saying goodbye to everyone and opening the door. When I reached the cafe we were meeting at I sat down at a table outside and looked through my phone, after a while I heard someone shout my name and as I turned around I saw Talia.
- Omg Talia! I screamed running up to her and hugging her.
- It's so nice to finally meet you, she said.
- You too, I said.
We sat down at the table and ordered our food. I took a pic of Talia and posted it on Instagram.

Liked by Milliebobbybrown, Sophialillis and 10 472 othersY/u/n I'm so happy that I got to meet you, you are amazing @talia

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Liked by Milliebobbybrown, Sophialillis and 10 472 others
Y/u/n I'm so happy that I got to meet you, you are amazing @talia.ja

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Talia.ja Aww thank you! I'm so glad that I met you!💖

Talialover Omg you met Talia I'm so jealous!!

I put my phone away and we started talking about everything between space and earth, she was even nicer in person. After a long time of talking and eating we decided to go swimming, the only problem was that non of us had swimsuits with. We talked about what to do and then decided to go back to "my" house and then she could borrow one from me. When we got to the house Talia said hi to everybody before we went upstairs, she had already met Finn when she was with Jack. We picked out bikinis and then headed to the beach.

 We picked out bikinis and then headed to the beach

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Your bikini

We put our towels on the ground before going into the water, it was really warm which was a surprise to me. We swam around and sunbathed while listening to music, she was even better in person. I told her about the whole Jack thing, about Wyatt and Finn, basically about everything. We became really close. After maybe three hours at the beach we decided to get some snacks before going back to the house.

- Back at the house -

We went upstairs and into my room, the others were downstairs so we had the room to ourselves. I had asked Talia if she wanted to sleepover, which she wanted, so we had also walked by her house so she could get some new clothes and a toothbrush. We spent most of our time in my room but then when it was time for dinner Sadie suggested that we would play board games in the living room, since everyone agreed we did too. After dinner we started setting up, getting the games, bringing the snacks and changing into pjs.

 After dinner we started setting up, getting the games, bringing the snacks and changing into pjs

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Your outfit (I know it's not pjs but yeah)

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Your outfit (I know it's not pjs but yeah)

I sat down next to Talia on the smallest couch as we started to play. After a long time of playing I went to the bathroom to get myself ready for the night. I removed my makeup and put my hair up in a ponytail, just as I were leaving the bathroom I heard the door shut and I saw him...

Y/u/n = Your username

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