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Your POV

- The day you were leaving -

I haven't talked to Finn since that day, if I ever tried he just walked away. I missed him, I missed him so bad. Today was the day we were going back to La, I had packed my things and got into our cab. When we got to the airport there were some paparazzis, I was still heartbroken from what happened with Finn. I couldn't function without him. When we got on the plane I plugged in my earbuds and didn't take them out until we landed, when we got of the plane there were a lot of paparazzis there and all of them were asking questions about Finn. I put on my glasses and kept walking.
- Where you the girl in the picture?
- Are you and Finn dating?
- How long have you and Finn been together?
- What happened to you and Wyatt?

I couldn't take it anymore, I ran away to the nearest door and opened it. I sat there in the dark crying when I heard the door open, I immediately thought it was Millie since she had been the one helping me the last weeks.

- I can't take it anymore, I miss him so fucking much. I can't function without him and I don't know what to do, he won't talk to me and I can't explain that I love him and only him.

A kiss. I felt those soft lips on mine, those I had missed for weeks. The biggest smile spread across my face.
- I love you too Y/n, he said. That guy that I loved with every piece of my body.
- Why do you come back to me? I asked.
- Because Y/n you are the most amazing thing in my life and I can't live without you, I need you with me.
When I heard those words I kissed him. I love this guy so much I can't even explain it.

We walked out of the room, for the first time in weeks I was smiling. He made me smile. He grabbed my hand as the paparazzis were going crazy asking a million questions but we ignored every single one of them. When the rest saw us holding hands they started smiling, Millie's smile was bigger then everyone else's, except for mine of course.
- It was about time, she whispered when I walked by.
- I love him so much, I whispered to her.

Finn's POV

- I love him so much, Y/n whispered to Millie. I don't think I wasn't meant to hear her but it made me smile. These last weeks had been a living hell, I was miserable without her but I couldn't forgive her get even tho I wanted to. She did something bad but I loved her, I loved her so freaking much.

Your POV

When we walked out of the airport there was a limo waiting for us, I sat next to Finn and Lilia. I'm so happy everything worked out between her and Jaeden. When we got back home Finn told me to come with him, we went up the stairs and when I looked back all of the girls were grinning at me. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. When we got to Finn's room he sat me down on the bed and told me to close my eyes, I did as he said and waited. After maybe five minutes he told me to open my eyes, I saw a little box in front of me.
- Open it, he said. I opened it and saw a necklace, it had an 'F' on it. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
- What's wrong do you not like it? He asked.
- No Finn it's beautiful, I said.
- I got it for our two month anniversary...
- Thank you, I said getting up and hugging him.
- I love you, he said.
- I love you too
I looked at him and then kissed him. When we pulled out I had a big smile plastered on my face.
- I'm going to go change into my pjs and then I'll come back, I said getting up.
- Ugh do you hAve to? He asked.
- Yes I hAve to, I said.
I walked to my room, Sadie and Millie were sitting on Sadie's bed talking.
- So Y/n what's going on with you and Finn? Sadie asked.
- We might be together again, I said.
- Omg that's amazing Y/n!! Millie screamed.
- Millie chill, I said.
- Sorry
- What's that? Sadie asked pointing at my necklace.
- It's a necklace, I said.
- What does it say? She asked.
- 'F'
- Did Finn give it to you? Millie asked.
- Yes he did, I said.
- You and Finn are almost cuter than Troy and Gabriella, Millie said.
I laughed at that and said.
- Not possible they will forever be otp, I said.
- So are you and Finn, Sadie said.
I went to my wardrobe and put on one of my pjs, I then washed of my makeup and put my hair in to two space buns.

I went to my wardrobe and put on one of my pjs, I then washed of my makeup and put my hair in to two space buns

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Your pj

I walked back to Finn's room, he wasn't there so I laid down on his bed while waiting. After half an hour had past I got up to look for him, after looking through most parts of the house I found him asleep on the couch. I didn't want to wake him up so I sat down next to him and looked on my phone. After a while I got really sleepy so I put away my phone and fell asleep next to Finn. This day had taken a big turn.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now