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Your POV

We start walking back to the others but on the way we buy popcorn and coke. We see them sitting in the park on a laid down blanket. When Wyatt sees me he gets up and runs to me.
- Y/n! Are you okay? What happened?
- We just bought some popcorn and took a walk.
- But I thought you were upset?
- I'm fine, really.
I gave him one of the drinks as we walked to the rest. I sat down next to Ellie and Finn.
I said Hi to Ellie and smiled, I then looked at Finn.
- Finn can we go somewhere to talk? I asked.
- Yeah sure, why?
- I just need to talk to you, I said.
We went away from the group but not so far away that Ellie couldn't see us. She was staring at us the whole time, while the others were busy talking.
- What did you want to talk about? He asked.
I didn't answer, I kissed him passionately for a really long time.
- What was that for? He asked.
- Maybe I just wanted a kiss... or maybe i wanted to show you that you don't have the power, I do. I whispered before walking back to the group smiling at Ellie and sitting down next to her. She looked at me with a angry look.
- What's wrong? I asked
- Nothing, she said and faked a smile.
Finn then came back and sat down next to me.

- Guys hurry! I said waving with my hand for them to follow.
It was almost 11.30 pm and the fireworks and the light show was starting in 10 minutes. I wanted to get good spots, that's why I told them to hurry. When we got to the castle it was full of people, we went to the nearest café and asked if we could stand on the balcony to see the show. Just as we got up on the balcony the show started and we saw blue, pink and purple fireworks, it was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen. I took some photos of it

 I took some photos of it

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Finn's POV

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Finn's POV

I watch as Y/n eyes light up when she sees the fireworks, she was so beautiful. I saw a little tear drop go down her face.
- What's wrong? I said and wiped away her tear
- Nothing wrong, it's just this was my dream.
- To watch the fireworks?
- Actually it was be at Disneyland with you, she said blushing.
- What an honor, I said as she chuckled at my comment.
- Yeah well that's not the whole dream... it's... never mind it's to embarrassing.
- Come on it can't be that bad, I said.
- Okay well "the dream" has always been to go to Disneyland with you and... kiss you when the fireworks come, she said blushing even more and looking down at her shoes.
I lift her chin and say
- Well then it's a dream come true
I kiss her as the clock strikes midnight. When we pull out she just say a "wow" under her breath. I think I love her, like really love her.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now