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Your POV

- At the red carpet -

I stood next to Sadie and Finn for a group photo, after what seemed like a million years of taking pictures we got into the big ballroom. It was beautiful, there were red and silver balloons everywhere. I looked at Finn, the red light shining on his face making everything about him perfect. He looked at me and said 'I want you to meet someone'. He took my hand and led me away, it was pretty dark if you weren't on the dance floor so I couldn't see who we were going to.
- Hi you must be Y/n nice to meet you, the women said. I recognized her voice and I was star struck.
- Omg hi yes I'm Y/n nice to meet you, I said excitedly.
- Are you okay? She asked.
- Yes I'm just kind of star struck, I said.
- That's so nice of you, she said.
- I'm sorry but I have to go talk to someone, it was really nice meeting you, she said walking away.
- Holy actual shit Finn
- Happy?
- Of course I'm happy I just meet Winona Ryder as in the Winona who's movies I watched with my bestfriend in a marathon.
I took a deep breath
- Thank you, I said.
- For what?
- All of this, it's unbelievable really.
- Well its not all because of me, it's because of you too.
- How?
- If you wouldn't have been so perfect maybe we wouldn't be together and maybe you wouldn't be friends with the rest.
- You're sweet, I said.
He blushed which made him even cuter.
- I'm going to the snack table, I said.
He nodded as I walked away.

I took some pretzels and a glass of punch, I looked over at Millie and saw someone making their way behind her. The person covered her eyes and I could hear him say 'Guess who?' Millie got up and hugged him. I now got a clear look of him, Jacob Sartorius. I haven't met him so I walked up to introduce myself, I poked Millie's shoulder. She turned around and said 'Oh right Jacob this Y/n Y/n this is Jacob'
- Nice to meet you, I said.
- You too, he said.

I talked with Millie and Jacob for a while. Jacob seemed like a really nice guy nothing like the rumors about him. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and saw Finn.
- Can I have this dance? He asked stretching out his hand like Dustin did at the snowball.
- Of course, I said taking his hand. Just as we got on the dance floor 'All of me' started playing. I put my arms around his neck as he put his on my waist, we slowly started moving to the song.
'Cause all of me loves all of you' the speakers sang, everything was perfect. I looked into his chocolate brown eyes as I got closer to his face, I slowly leaned in as he did too. I connected our lips and as always fireworks, there were so many fireworks that my smile grew bigger then ever. When we pulled out from the kiss I saw that he also had a big smile on his face, I thought about the fact that I've never been happier. I've never felt more loved and appreciated in my entire life. I laid my head on his shoulder, I felt his heart beat get faster when I got closer.
- You don't have to be nervous it's just me, I whispered. His heart beat got slower after I said that. I wanted this moment right here in his arms slowly dancing to last forever.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now