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Your POV

I woke up the next morning with tear stains on my cheeks. I had to tell Finn and Lilia, I decided to start with Lilia since that would be easier. I walked to the living room where she was sitting.
- Lilia I have to talk to you, I said. She nodded and got up from her seat. We walked to our room and closed the door.
- What do you wanna talk about? She asked while sitting down on my bed.
- Last night when all of you was sleeping and me and Jaeden were the only ones up I found a hate page for me
- Y/n that's horrible I feel so bad for you, she said.
- You shouldn't feel bad for me, I said.
- Wait what? Why?
- Jaeden kissed me, I don't know if it was because he felt bad or something but I had to tell you and I'm so sorry please forgive me...
- Did you kiss back? She asked crying.
- Of course not!
- I don't know what to say...
- Please don't break up with him, he loves you.
- Then why would he cheat!?
- I don't know, I said.
- Do you hate me? I asked.
- No I don't hate you, if what you told me is true then it's not your fault, she said.
- Do you forgive me? I asked.
- I forgive you, she said. I immediately hugged her while saying thank you over and over again.
- I have to go and talk to Jaeden, she said. I nodded in response as she left.

I had to tell Finn, right? I don't want him to hate me. But he can't can he? I mean he did cheat on me. I went out of the room and to the living room, Finn was sitting there with the others. I walked up to him and said.
- Finn can we talk?
- Sure, he said standing up.
We walked out and sat down next to the pool on two chairs, I dragged the door shut before sitting down.
- I-I have to tell you something...
He looked at me worried
- Okay
- I did something last night... I paused and took a deep breath.
- Jaeden and I kissed
He looked at me like his heart just broke into a million pieces, I saw a tear go down his cheek.
- You... you cheated on me?
- Yes I did and I'm so sorry...
- Why did you do it?
- I don't know, I was sad and Jaeden comforted me and then he kissed me...
- Did you kiss back?
- No but...
- You didn't pull away.
- I'm sorry Finn...
- I can't do this, he said.
- What do you mean?
- There's to much bad I can't handle it, he said.
I could now feel the tears forming in my eyes.
- Please Finn...
- I'm sorry Y/n I can't do this anymore, he said getting up.
- No please don't leave, I said.
He walked through the door dragging it shut fast and then out of the house. I started crying, this couldn't be happening no it's not possible this is all a dream. I dug my nails I to my hand trying to wake up, but nothing happened. I let go when it hurt to bad, this wasn't a dream. No this was reality. Horrible, terrifying reality.

Millie came running after five minutes of me sitting there crying my eyes out, I just lost the best thing in my life.
- Y/n what happened with you? What happened with Finn? She asked.
- I... I... he broke up with me...
- What? Why?
- I cheated on him...
- Y/n why did you do that? She looked really disappointed.
- Last night I was really sad and Jaeden comforted me then he kissed me, I said.
- Did you kiss back?
- No, but I didn't pull away either...
- Why didn't you Y/n?
- I don't know, the only thing I know is that I just lost the best thing in my life.
- Oh Y/n you messed up, you messed up really really bad.
- I know I know, how do I fix this?
- I don't think you can. I think you have to wait for him to forgive you then you see what happens.
I nodded and then hugged her.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now