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Your POV

I woke up feeling pretty bad, but when I saw Wyatt that immediately changed. He looked so calm and of course so pretty. I got up from bed and picked out an outfit for today

 I got up from bed and picked out an outfit for today

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Your outfit (for now)

I sat down to do my makeup when Wyatt woke up.
- Morning Noodlehead
- Morning sunshine

I continued to do my makeup as Wyatt got up and went to the bathroom. When I was done I felt something, oh no. Wyatt asked if I was coming and I said that I just had to go to the bathroom. He left the room as I rushed to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet and dragged down my underwear, and guess what? Blood. I let out a sound of annoyance as I got a new pair of underwear and put on a pad.

I decided to change my outfit, since I probably were going to stay home all day.

I decided to change my outfit, since I probably were going to stay home all day

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The black ones

When I had my new outfit on I went downstairs to eat breakfast

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When I had my new outfit on I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I made some cereal and sat down on the couch next to Millie, Sadie and Sophia. They noticed that something was wrong with me so they asked what it was.
- What's wrong? Millie said.
- It's that time of the month, I said.
- Oh honey we have to get some chocolate then, Sophia said.
I laughed at her and nodded in response.
- So... girls night in? Sadie said.
We all said yes and started planning what to do tonight.

When we were done we had decided to watch 'Mamma Mia' in the movie theater that was in the house.

I told the girls I was just going to get my phone upstairs as I was walking up the stairs. I was walking through the hallway when I felt someone grab my waist pulling me into on of the many rooms. I saw that it was one of the boys rooms but I didn't know which one. I turned around but there was no one there.
- Hello? Finn? Wyatt? I said
No answer.
- Hello? Is this some kind of joke?
Still no answer.
- Okay I'm leaving, I said walking towards the door. Suddenly I felt something covering my eyes, okay now this is scary.
- Hello? Who is it?
Still no answer.
- It's not funny! I said
I felt myself being lifted up and put down on something, probably a bed. I heard the door being locked and I started to freak out. The person started kissing my neck, I tried to stop it but before I could do anything the person took of my blindfold. And there he was, his damn smirk and his brown sparkling eyes looking at me.

- Holy shit Finn! You scared the crap out of me! I said lightly slapping his arm. He didn't say anything he just kept kissing me. I tried talking to him between kisses.
- Finn...The...Girls...Are...Waiting...For...Me
- Well then they just have to wait, he said with his beautiful damn smirk. God I hated that smirk.
- Stop with that damn smirk, I hate it! I said.
- You love it, he said then starting kissing me again.

- Time skip to after all the kissing -

I got up from his bed and fixed myself up before kissing him and going to the door.
- You know you have to stop sneaking up on me like that, it's annoying.
- But you like it, don't you? He said.
I opened the door and walked out but then stopped and looked back at Finn.
- Maybe, I said before leaving the room and going downstairs.

I sat down next to the girls.
- That took a long time, Sophia said.
- Yeah I couldn't find my phone, I lied.
- But then where is your phone? Millie asked.
I turned red.
- It's um uh... it's you know, I blurted out.
I scratched my neck in embarrassment as Finn came down the stairs with a red-ish stain on his neck.
- Finn you have something on your neck! Sophia practically screamed to Finn.
He turned red as he looked in the mirror and saw the red lipstick stain. He quickly rubbed it of with his hand. He then looked at me as I turned a brightly red color and buried my face in a pillow. The girls looked with their eyes wide open at the red lipstick on my lips.
- Omg! Millie almost screamed.
- Don't tell anyone! I whisper screamed to them.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now