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Your POV

It was now night and we had begun setting everything up in the movie theater, grabbing snacks, pillows and blankets. I got up to go grab the chocolate from the kitchen. I walked to the kitchen and when I came back I saw some of the boys walking towards the theater, I walked up in front of them and went through the slide door.
- Sorry boys, girls only. I said before sliding the door shut and walking down to the girls.

We started the movie and sang along to the songs, of course.

Little did we know that all of the boys where eavesdropping as we sang and danced. Finn and Wyatt was looking at me only as I saw them.
- Girls look, I said pointing at the half open door where all the boys were standing. We all got a pillow and started running against them as they ran away also getting pillows.
- Pillow fight! Finn screamed but then directly after getting hit in the head with a pillow.

The pillow fight went on for maybe half an hour before all of us were laying on the floor laughing. I were laying next to Wyatt, we eventually stopped laughing and just laid there looking at each other, I think I love him I really do. We were interrupted by Sophia throwing a pillow at us, we snapped out of our thoughts and got up. I went to the bathroom to fix my bun and change a pad. I got my phone and saw a pic of me and Wyatt together. Then I saw all of the hate comments, she's so ugly, he deserves someone prettier, wtf is wrong with Wyatt she's so ugly doesn't he have any taste? I kept reading and reading until the tears started to fall. My face got more and more wet the more I read. Because I am self conscious, I took it really hard. As I struggled to breathe because of all the crying I felt like I was going to pas out.

Finn's POV

I hadn't seen Y/n in a while now so I went upstairs to check on her. As I got closer to her bedroom I heard crying, a lot of it. I opened the door and ran to the bathroom.
- Y/n?! Y/n?! I screamed
The door was locked and crying just got louder and louder. I tried a lot of things and finally got the door open to see Y/n on the floor crying and struggling to get air. I got down and hugged her
- It's okay I'm here now everything will be fine.
She cried into my chest and started to calm down.
- T-thank you Finn, she said.
- Anything for you, I said.
She stood up and took some water onto her face before hugging me again. She kept saying thank you over and over again until I stopped her by kissing her lips. Even when she cried she was beautiful.

Your POV

The kiss seemed to last forever, when we pulled out I said 'thank you' one last time before going to my room and laying down on my bed.
- Goodnight Finn, I said.
He laid down next to me.
- What are you doing? I asked.
- I'm not leaving you alone, he said.

I fell asleep in Finn's arms. I felt protected, I felt safe.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now