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Your POV

When I'd settled down me and the girls walk up to our room to talk.
- So I was thinking that we could eat at a fancy restaurant tonight, the girls looked at me in shook.
- Wait what?! Sadie almost screamed.
- What? I said.
- You did just have a big as fight over the two boys you like and now you want to just eat some diner?!
- Yes I do, I said.
- You can cry if you want, we're here for you ya know.
- Yes I know, but I'm done crying. Tonight I'm not anyone's girl, tonight it's all about me not about Finn nor Wyatt.
- Alright then, girls night out but with boys! Millie said.
- Well if we're going out then it's time to get ready, Sophia said.
- I'll do your makeup! Sadie yelled.
- I'll do the hair! Millie yelled.
- I'll get fixed! Sophia yelled.
- Me too! I yelled.
- And me! Lilia yelled.
We started to get ready, Sadie doing my makeup as Millie fixed Sophia's hair. After that we switched before putting on our dresses.

 After that we switched before putting on our dresses

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Your dress

I walked out of the bathroom with my dress on.
- Wow, all of them said.
- You look amazing Y/n, Sophia said.
- I feel like a proud mom, Millie said hugging me.
- I just... wow, Sadie said.
- Seriously that's just wow, Lilia said.
- Well thank you very much, you look amazing as well, I said.

We slowly walked out of our room and then downstairs. Finn and Wyatt were staring at me but one think cot my eye, Jack was also looking at me. I didn't think much of it as I walked with the girls to the door.
- Sorry boys I'm on my own tonight, I whispered to Wyatt and Finn before walking out to the limo with the girls.

When we reached the restaurant we got out of the limo and then into the restaurant. A waiter showed us our table, I was seated next to Jack and Sadie. We ordered our food and as we were waiting we just talked. Jack was very flirty, like seriously really really flirty. I took up my phone seeing that I had a dm from Talia.

Hi! I was thinking that since we haven't met yet we could tomorrow? ❤️

Omg of course we can! But first there's something you should know...


Long story short I met Finn Wolfhard and the st cast on the beach and now I've been living with them for the past few weeks...

Omg Y/n that's amazing! Why was that so hard to tell?

That's not all... since Finn knows the it cast they have been staying with us too. And that includes Jack :( sorry.

Oh, well I still wanna meet you and he's not going to stop me :) Have you met Ellie tho?

Yes unfortunately I have, she actually blackmailed Millie to try and get Finn from me. She is such a b*tch

Omg! Are you okay? Is Millie?

Yeah I am and so is she, Ellie doesn't have anything to blackmail Millie now... I smashed her phone :)

That's my girl! ;)

I put my phone down and looked up at the rest, the food were now at our table and everyone had started eating so I did to.

- After dinner -

We walked out to the limo before heading home. When we then got home us girls went upstairs to put on our pjs.

 When we then got home us girls went upstairs to put on our pjs

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Your pj

When all of us were done we went down again, this time we had decided to watch Titanic. I got the popcorn while the orgels got chocolate, soda, chips and more. When everyone had settled down in the house cinema Millie turned on the movie. I sat next to Lilia and Finn, I was trying to stay away from both Wyatt and Finn but Finn was the last one to sit down and the only seat left was next to me.

Spoilers if you haven't watched Titanic, you should if you haven't!!!!!

When the scene where half of the ship is in the water I started to feel my eyes water. I heard small sniffs coming from my left, as I turned I saw Finn crying.
- Aww are you crying? I whispered while leaning in.
- No, he said wiping away a tear.
- It's okay I mean it is one of the saddest scenes through movie history, I said also crying.
He didn't say anything so I kissed his cheek and went back to my place, but I couldn't. A strong grip was around my waist, I turn to Finn who was focused on the movie as I laid my head on his shoulder. I was trying to stay away from him but there was no way he was going to let go of me.

This will be a two part thing ~A

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