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Your POV

- Come on hurry! Millie yelled
I ran down the stairs and out of the door before jumping in the limo. Everyone over slept so we were in a bit of a hurry since our plane was leaving in an hour. When we finally arrived at the airport we left our luggage and went to our gate, it was only 5 minutes left to board as we got on. I sat next to Finn at a window seat, the flight attendants did that security guide thing before we started to fly away towards Greece.

- Time skip to Greece -

When we got of the plane there was, of course, some fans that wanted to take pictures. After that I got out of the big building and felt the warmth on my body, it was amazing. I looked over at Finn before connecting our hands. Millie and Lilia looked around for a cab, since we were about half an hour from Mykonos we had to take a cab. When they found one we all got in it before driving away to Mykonos.

- Time skip to Mykonos -

As we got out of the cab and were welcomed by the beautiful view of white stone houses with blue details, I let out a small "Wow" as well did Finn. We started walking to the hotel where we were staying and when got there let me just say that it was amazing.

We talked to the hotel owner and he showed us where we were staying, the "room" had an amazing view of the ocean and was, like most of the buildings, white with blue decorations. I packed up in one of the bedrooms before putting on my swimsuit and going in the water with Lilia.

 I packed up in one of the bedrooms before putting on my swimsuit and going in the water with Lilia

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Your swimsuit

Before going in the water Lilia decided to post a pic of us.
- Millie! She yelled
- What? Millie said coming out to the pool.
- Can you take a pic of us? She asked
- Sure
- Done, she said before walking in again
- Can I post it? Lilia asked
- Yeah sure, I said.

- Can you take a pic of us? She asked- Sure*CLICK*- Done, she said before walking in again- Can I post it? Lilia asked- Yeah sure, I said

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Liked by MaddieZiegler, Jackdgrazer, Y/u/n and 58 471 others

Lilia I'm so happy I met you :) @y/u/n

Y/u/n awww love u!

Jackdgrazer Hot!!!
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I put my phone down and put my feet in the water before going down with my whole body, after a while almost everyone were in the water. I swam to the edge of the pool and looked out at the ocean view, it was beautiful I thought to myself. Someone swam up to my side and looked at the view, it was Finn.
- It's beautiful isn't it? I said.
- Yes it is but-
- No don't do it you've done it before and you do not need to do it again, I said
- But not as beautiful as you, he said with a smirk.
- You're super cheesy
- But you like it
- Yeah I do, I said quietly
- Hm what was that?
- Nothing, I said.
- It sounded like you said that you like it, he said with his damn smirk.
- No I didn't, I said super fast.
- You do like it, he said coming up behind me.
- Maybe, I said.
- What is it that you like? He asked trying to get me to say it.
- I like when you say your cheesy lines, I said.
- I knew it, he said before kissing me.
Here I was, standing next to Finn Wolfhard on Mykonos looking at the beautiful ocean. It's kind of hard to believe, isn't it? Three months ago I was a fan girl that had a crush on Finn Wolfhard and now I'm here standing next to him. Life's great.

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