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Wyatt's POV

I was walking through the hallway when I bumped into Y/n. She was crying, a lot.
- Y/n? Are you okay? I asked
- How could you!? How could you do this to me?!
She looked so angry and then she slapped me.
- I really didn't think you would do this Wyatt, I really trusted you! You were there and comforted me at the beach when Finn kissed another girl but you've done the same thing!
She ran of as I stood up, there was no idea to yell after her. She hated me for what I did but it was all a misunderstanding, she didn't understand what really happened.

Flashback to last night

Wyatt's POV

I was sitting on the ground when Ellie came and asked if I could come with her, I stood up as we walked away from the others.
- I have something to show you... she said.
- Okay what is it?
- It's some photos I think you should see...
She gave me her phone and showed me pictures and videos... of Y/n and Finn. They were talking and kissing. I got so mad, I thought she was with me! That she had stopped everything with Finn, I wanted to punch Finn right in his face.
- You know it's okay, I'm here for you. She said putting her hand on my face. She slowly leaned in and kissed me, I kissed back even tho I didn't want to. I was just so mad at Y/n.

End of flashback

Your POV

I heard someone walking through the garden, I look up and see Ellie. I slowly stand up and walk out of the greenhouse.
- Omg Y/n are you okay? What happened?
- Don't play stupid.
- What are you talking about? She said.
- I really thought you could be my friend, but first you kiss Finn and then you kiss Wyatt.
- It wasn't my fault! They leaned in and kissed me!
- And that's not all, you also blackmailed Millie to get Finn. I said seeing the rest standing around us.
- Well you just couldn't back away from him could you!?
- You're a lying backstabbing bitch! I yelled pushing her.
- Bitch! She screamed as she ran against me and wrestled me to the ground.
We started fighting until someone grabbed me and lifted me away from Ellie. I tried to get back to her but the person had a to strong grip of my arms.
- I HATE YOU! I screamed at her, she tried to get to me but failed when Jack grabbed her arms just like the person had grabbed mine.
- It's okay Y/n, it's okay. The person said, I looked up as Finn's eyes met mine. My tears started to fall as I cried into Finn's chest.
- GO AWAY ELLIE! Everyone except for Jack screamed.
- Wait! I yelled.
- There's one more thing I have to do first, I walked up to Ellie and grabbed her phone from her pocket. I then smashed it as everyone was in shook.
- Now you can't blackmail Millie anymore and a piece of advice, don't ever mess with me or my friends ever again.
I walked back to the rest standing next to Wyatt and Millie as Ellie angrily and fast walked away.
- I'm sorry, I said to Millie.
- Sorry? Why are you sorry?
- I shouldn't have pushed her.
- Y/n it's okay, she deserved it.
Everyone started to go back and left me and Wyatt.
- I'm sorry, he said.
- It's fine, I said.
- No it's not I shouldn't have done it but I was just so angry.
- Wait why were you angry?
- When Ellie took me away she showed me videos and pictures of you and Finn...
- What kind of videos?
- Well you were talking... and kissing
- Wyatt I'm so sorry, I said because he obviously was sad.
- It's okay, you told me that you liked Finn too... I just thought you stopped.
I now saw a tear fell down his face as I felt my tears too.
- I don't know what to say...
- You don't have to say anything, he said.
I looked up at his eyes sparkling in the sunlight
- I love you Y/n, he said.
- I.. I love you too, I said struggling to get the words out.
He kissed me on the forehead and then hugged me, I love him... the only problem is that I love Finn too.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now