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Your POV

I woke up next to Talia, she was still sleeping. I looked at my phone 09.00 it read, I got up to get dressed and do my makeup but as I got up I accidentally woke Talia.
- Good Morning, I said.
- Morning, she said while yawning.
- What time is it? She asked
- A little over nine
I went to my wardrobe and picked out my outfit for the day.

- What time is it? She asked- A little over nineI went to my wardrobe and picked out my outfit for the day

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Your outfit

After I'd fixed my makeup I laid down on my bed, I was going to wait until Talia was down to go downstairs. I picked up my phone and went on Instagram, since I haven't posted since yesterday and people want me to, I decided to do it now.

 I picked up my phone and went on Instagram, since I haven't posted since yesterday and people want me to, I decided to do it now

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Liked by Therealcalebmclaughlin, Talia.ja and 6 471 others

Y/u/n Love u! @WyattOleff

Wyattoleff  I hate u @Y/u/n

Y/u/n  you love me ;) @Wyattoleff

User748  I love Ariana!!!!

User891  omg!!!! are you guys dating?!?!?

I turned off my phone and looked at Talia.
- Ready? I asked. She nodded in response as we went downstairs. I'm going to make pancakes, because I want to, and then I'm going to help Talia pack because she's leaving to go home. After I've mixed the batter I get the frying pan and some butter to fry it in. I'm just about to flip a pancake when someone covers my eyes.
- Guess who, he said.
- Omg aren't you that guy from IT? I say super excited as I turn around to face Wyatt.
- How did you know? He say sarcastically.
- You're an idiot Wyatt
- You're beautiful Y/n
- So you making any for the idiot?
- I can if you want to, but then you have to help
- Deal, what do you want me to do?
- You can take this spoon, I say as I turn around but of course I forgot to take the batter of the spoon. So there we have Wyatt Oleff with pancake batter on his face.
- Omg I'm so sorry it was an accident, I say while holding in laughter.
- I'm getting revenge, he said while getting some batter on a spoon.
- No no no no no no, I said but that didn't stop him. I slipped on some cake batter and fell to the floor. And there we were, Y/n Y/l/n and Wyatt Oleff laughing while covered in cake batter.

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes but then Millie came.
- What the hell happened here? She asked quit shocked.
- We spilled some of the batter, Wyatt said.
- Okay you will have to clean up, Millie said before leaving.
- Fuck this will take a while, I said getting up.
- I'll get a sponge and a bucket, Wyatt said walking away. I started to clean myself up since I had cake batter on my body. After a while Wyatt came and we started to clean up, when we were done I went back to fixing us pancakes.

- Time skip to Talia leaving -

I say goodbye to Talia, I was really sad that she had to leave.
- We have to meet again sometime, she said.
- Of course, I'll miss u! I yelled as she got in her cab.

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