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Your POV

Three days later

I wake up and look at the clock, 08:00 it says.
I walk to my makeup table and start putting on makeup, after that I fix my hair and pick out an outfit.

I walk to my makeup table and start putting on makeup, after that I fix my hair and pick out an outfit

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Your outfit

I walk downstairs grabbing a pop tart and sitting on the couch. No ones up so I start watching "White chicks".
I'm watching the movie when Sadie comes down and sit next to me.
- Omg is that "White chicks"?
- Yeah it's like my favorite movie, I say.
- Mine too! She says.
We keep watching and when the scene where they sing comes up we start to sing.
We sing the whole thing without missing a word, Sadie was actually a really good singer.

Later everyone had came and we girls watched the movie while the boys played video games in the game room. After that we had to say goodbye to Chosen and Jeremy. We said our goodbyes and waved as they got in a car and drove away, they had to go because they where going to a Comic-Con in Mexico.

We were sitting in the couch when Jaeden came in and said that his girlfriend was coming here. I knew who she was because of Millie, they were really good friends. I took up my phone to check what's been happening, I went on Instagram and saw that Finn posted a pic.

 I took up my phone to check what's been happening, I went on Instagram and saw that Finn posted a pic

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Like by Y/u/n, Noahschnapp and
856 310 others

Disneyland was fun :)

It was magical ;)

Omg are they dating?!

She's so ugly, eww

View all 59 274 comments

I started thinking about Molly, I hadn't seen her in a while. I decided to call her and we made plans to hangout next week.

- Time skip to just before lunch -

We had watched movies all morning, singing along to Sharpey and Gabriella. We started to fix lunch, we made little sandwiches, meatballs and more. It ended up as a little buffet that we sat up outside by the pool, since that was where we were going to spend the day.

After about half an hour we heard a knock on the door, I went to open but Jaeden was faster and opened the door revealing a beautiful girl. I knew who she was, I had watched every season of "Dance Moms".
- Lilia! Millie screamed and ran to hug her.
When they were done Lilia looked at me.
- You must be Y/n, I'm Lilia.
- Yeah nice to meet you, I said.
She pulled me into a hug.
- This is really dorky but I'm a big fan, I said.
- Aww that's so sweet.
- My sis would die if she knew I was with you.

Me and Lilia got along really well and she was really nice. All of us girls went upstairs to put on our bikinis.

 All of us girls went upstairs to put on our bikinis

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Your bikini

We put on our bikinis and went downstairs. I put on a oversized t-shirt over my bikini before walking downstairs with the girls.

 I put on a oversized t-shirt over my bikini before walking downstairs with the girls

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Your t-shirt (just think that its bigger)

I walked out to the pool and sat down on one of the loungers. When everyone were by the pool I toke of my shirt. I saw both Finn and Wyatt staring, I even think I even saw Jack. I didn't really like Jack that much, he was nice to me but Talia is my internet friend and what he did to her was awful. I smiled at both the boys before jumping in the water with Sophia and Sadie. Everyone slowly started to go in the water as we swam around talking about random stuff. The only one that wasn't in the water was Ellie so I got out of the water and sat down next to her.
- What's wrong? I asked.
- Nothing, she said.
- Ellie I know when something is wrong.
- I just... you guys are so beautiful and I'm just..
- Are you serious? You are one of the most beautiful people I've ever met, I said.

Third person POV

Little did Y/n now this was all a part of her evil plan...

Your POV

We stayed in the water for a long time before going up to sunbathe, I laid next to Lilia and Ellie. I saw through my sunglasses every guy staring at at least one of us girls.
- I'm getting some "It" vibes right now, I whispered to Lilia nodding my head to the boys. She started laugh and so did I, we laughed so much in the end that there almost where tears coming.

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