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Your POV

I put on a over sized t-shirt before going to the pool, I took of my t-shirt with Finn looking at me as usual. I sat down on the edge putting my legs in the water, it was one of the hottest days of summer today. I got in the water, no one else were there but I don't know why.
- Come on guys, I whined. Millie got in then Gaten, Sophia, Caleb, Lilia and Wyatt. The rest didn't want to but that didn't matter as long as someone joined. I got on one of the floaties and put on my sunglasses, it was nice to just relax. I was just laying there when I felt something cold, water. Someone pushed me over. When I got up over the surface I looked around and saw Wyatt laughing.
- You, I said pointing at Wyatt.
He stopped laughing and looked at me.
- You're going to regret that, I said getting up from the pool and walking inside. I looked around and found it, the water gun. I filled it up in the kitchen before walking outside, Wyatt was now laying on one of the pool chairs sunbathing. He had his sunglasses on and were probably closing his eyes since he didn't see me, I pointed it at him and pressed the button as water came shooting at him. When it got on him he quickly got up and started running out in the garden as I ran after with the water gun in my hand. He was now soaking wet as I were laughing my ass of.
- You can stop now I'm soaked, he said.
- Alright I'll stop, I said putting the water gun down. I looked over and saw Finn looking at us, he looked really jealous. When he saw me he looked away.
- I'm going to go and talk to Finn, I said walking away. When I got back to the others I walked up to Finn.
- Can we talk? I asked. He nodded as we walked inside, when we were in private I started talking.
- What's up? I asked looking at him.
- What?
- What's wrong?
- Nothing
- I know you and I know that something's wrong.
- Okay fine I'm jealous, he said swinging his hands up.
- Why?
- Because of you and Wyatt
- Finn no stop, I said walking up to him.
- You are the only one I have eyes for, I want to be with you not Wyatt.
He kissed me, when we pulled out he looked into my eyes.
- I know and I want to be with you too but-
- No buts, you want to be with me and I want to be with you. He smiled and kissed my forehead before taking my hand and walking back to the others.

- Later at night -

I went upstairs to put on some cozy clothes since I was cold, I put on the warmest and coziest clothes I could find.

I went upstairs to put on some cozy clothes since I was cold, I put on the warmest and coziest clothes I could find

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Your outfit

I went downstairs and sat down next to Lilia on the couch, she was watching something on her phone so I asked what it was.
- What are you watching? I asked.
- I'm in this series called 'Chicken girls' and this is my episode, she answered really excited.
- Lilia that's amazing! I said. When she were done watching we started watching 'Friends', it's one of my favorite shows of all time and I love it. We laughed at the funny scenes, mostly Chandlers's jokes, and aw'd at the cute ones. We watched until it was 2 am and then we decided it was time to go to bed, I said goodnight to Lilia before brushing my teeth and my hair and putting on my pj.

I laid down in my bed basically already asleep when I heard the door open, I didn't have the urge to look who it was until the person laid down next to me.
- Who's there? I sleepingly said.
- It's just me, Finn said.
- Mhm Goodnight then, I said falling into a deep sleep shortly after.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now