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Your POV

I woke up in my bed with Finn next to me.
- Good morning sunshine, he said kissing my forehead.
- What happened last night? I asked
- You don't remember?
- All I remember is falling asleep at the beach.
- Well Sadie woke me up when it had gotten dark and said that we had to go. So I took you in my arms and walked back with you, then I put you down in your bed but just as I was leaving you grabbed my wrist and told me to stay, so I did.

I blushed and said thank you before asking if the others stayed here or went home. He told me they stayed and that they were downstairs sleeping on the couches. Finn went to his room to change and I did the same.

When I were done I went downstairs to Finn and then we started to make breakfast. While we were making breakfast everyone started to wake up and as we finished everyone had gathered around table. I sat next to Wyatt and he was flirting like crazy. I didn't mind but I also didn't want him to get the wrong

When the night came we all helped making dinner. Me and Wyatt made the table with Millie and Caleb while the rest were making the food. After we'd eaten we cleaned up and went upstairs to put on our pjs.

 After we'd eaten we cleaned up and went upstairs to put on our pjs

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Your pj

The girls were done before I was so they went downstairs to the rest. I was putting my hair up in a ponytail when someone knocked on the door.
- Come in, I said without looking at who it was.
I got up from my chair but I couldn't see who it was before I knew it the person kissed me. I directly thought it was Finn so I kissed back. It was a long kiss but when we pulled away I realized that it wasn't Finn.
- Wyatt! I yelled while backing away.
- What's wrong? He said with a smirk on his face.
- Why did you kiss me?!
- I thought you liked me and you did kiss back.
- Yeah because I thought you were Finn!
He looked shocked.
- Is Finn your boyfriend?
- No!
- But you've kissed?
- Yes, listen I really like you but I like Finn too.
- I get it, it's okay.
- Thank you, I say kissing his cheek.
With a big smile on his face he leaves my room.

I go downstairs to the rest and we play Truth or Dare for a while. After that we decided to play seven minutes in heaven. It first lands on Millie and Noah who, of course, doesn't do anything besides laughing and talking. Then it lands on me and Finn. The people knowing about our kiss smiles widely and the girls giggle a bit but Wyatt looks jealous. We go into the walk-in closet and lock the door. Before I can ask Finn what we should do he smashes his lips against mine. His lips were soft and I felt butterflies in my stomach. He started kissing my neck and I felt a weird feeling.
- Finn!
- What?
- Are you trying to give me a hickey?!
- Who said I was trying, he said with a smirk.
I look in the mirror to see a hickey on my neck, great. It was a relief that my pjs could hide it.

We went out of the closet seeing Sadie and Millie giggling and making kissing faces. We sat down next to each other as the night went on.

We sat up talking about random stuff as one by one fell asleep. Up last was me, Finn, Wyatt, Gaten and Sophia. I fell asleep when the others were still talking. I don't remember who I fell asleep on, but something tells me I will be reminded in the morning.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now