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Your POV

-One Week later-

I still miss Wyatt, these last days has been a living hell. All I wanted to do was call him and meet him, I went back to be with Finn but this week I haven't talked to him. I haven't really talked to anyone, I just wanted to stay in bed all day everyday. I slowly started to get better everyday that went by, but it was still hard. I know that I have to tell Finn about what happened and I will do it soon, just not today or maybe not even tomorrow but I will.

- Two months later -

I'm still sad about Wyatt, he loved me but left me so I could be happy. When I got home that day I locked myself in my room for almost a whole week without telling anyone what happened, eventually i told the girls and then Finn. He was obviously sad but he forgave me, he understood. That's why I love him, he understands me and is always willing to sacrifice himself for me as I would for him.

I was just walking to the ice cream shop when I saw someone, that person I've missed for a really long time now. That amazing noodle headed guy that I love so much, when he saw me he started running against me as I did the same.
- Y/n! He yelled
- Noodlehead! I yelled making him laugh. He hugged me while lifting me up in the air.
- I've missed you so so so so so much, I said.
- I've missed you too, he said.
- Remember what you said? I asked
- Yes I did, he said.
- So bestfriend do you want to get some ice-cream?
- Uh of course! He said.

Wyatt's POV

I've missed Y/n so much these months but I don't love her like that anymore, I know that she loves Finn more then anything and I could never take that away from her. I loved her like my bestfriend and honestly being bestfriend will probably be the best thing ever.

Your POV

- Ooo that one, I said pointing at the blueberry cheesecake ice cream.
- Okay she will have that and I will have the chocolate chip one, Wyatt said to the cashier.
- That will be five dollars, the cashier said smiling. I got my wallet but Wyatt stopped me.
- I'll take it, he said.
- No way not that cliché where the guy pays, I said giving her the money.
We took our ice-creams and walked down to the beach.
- So how's life been? He asked licking his
- It's been alright I guess, the first weeks was hard but it's all good now, I said.
- Yeah it's the same for me, he said.
- What do you want to do today? I asked
- I don't know, maybe we could hang with the rest, he suggested.
- Sure that would be fun, I said.

When we were done eating our ice-creams we started walking to the house, when we got there I opened the door and yelled 'Guess who's here' Sophia came first and hugged Wyatt then the rest also came. Finn didn't hug or say anything to Wyatt, I walked up to him.
- Please don't hate him, I whispered.
- It's hard not to, he whispered.
- He's over me and he's my friend now.
- Are you sure?
- Yes I'm one hundred percent sure.
- Okay I'll try not to hate him.
- Why would you hate him anyways, I love you and only you okay?
- I know, he said. I kissed his cheek before saying 'What should we do today?' Lilia suggested we'd have a pool party and everyone thought it was a good idea so we started setting it up. I went upstairs and got the pool floaties before changing into my swimsuit.

 I went upstairs and got the pool floaties before changing into my swimsuit

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Your swimsuit

I will have to continue this in the next chapter~A

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now