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Finn's POV

I went out of y/n's room to go downstairs as I saw y/n standing not long from her room
- Hey, what's going on?
- Millie went to tell Sadie about our kiss, she said.
I started to blush as well did she. We started walking through the hallway and then downstairs. When we came down everyone was starring at us with there mouths open.
- You kissed?! Noah practically yelled
We looked at each other not knowing what to say. A quiet "yes" came out of y/n mouth. Everyone started cheering and teasing us.
- Finn's in love! Gaten cheered.
- Shut up, I said

Your POV

Everyone was teasing us for the kiss making both me and Finn blush, after teasing us for a while Sadie said 'Let's play Truth or Dare' so we sat down and started to play.
- Truth or Dare? I said to Caleb.
- Dare.
- Okay I Dare you to run out on the street and scream "I'm the king of the world"
Caleb went out the door as everyone started filming him
He ran back as fast as possible with his face red as a tomato from embarrassment.
Millie and I couldn't stop laughing but after a few minutes we had calmed down as we went back to the living room to keep playing.
- Truth or Dare? Gaten asked me.
- Dare.
- I Dare you to rap anything you want from whatever song you'd like.
Lucky for me I was really good at rapping.
I started playing Nicki Minaj's verse from monster.

- Pull up in the monster automobile gangster with a bad bitch that came from Sri Lanka yeah I'm in that Tonka, colour of Willy Wonka. You could be the king but watch the queen conquer!
Everyone was in shook, what? I said jokingly.
- I didn't know you could rap, Millie said
- Yeah almost no one knows it, I said.

- Time skip to getting ready for bed -

Finn's POV

I was finished getting ready for bed so I thought that I should go and say goodnight to Y/n. I got out of my room and walked to y/n's room I knocked a little but there was no answer so I opened the door seeing y/n only in her underwear.
- Omg Finn!
- I'm sorry, I say closing the door.

Your POV

I was just in my room changing and singing along to my playlist. Just as I was about to put on my pjs Finn opened the door, omg Finn! I yelled as he said sorry and closed the door. I was so embarrassed and in shook so I just stood there for a minute not being able to move. When I snapped out of my thoughts I put on my pjs, brushed my hair and went out of the room to say goodnight to Finn.

 When I snapped out of my thoughts I put on my pjs, brushed my hair and went out of the room to say goodnight to Finn

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Your pjs

When I open the door Finn is not there so I go to his room to see if he's there.
- Finn? I say knocking on the door.
The door opens and Finn comes out.
- I'm so sorry Y/n
- It's fine
- No and- before he can finish I put my lips on his. When I pull out I say that it really is fine, he smiles and I hug him and say goodnight before turning around to go.
He grabs my wrist and turns me around before saying 'Tomorrow some of my friends are meeting us at the beach' I just nod in response before walking away.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now