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Your POV

I wake up to the sound of giggling. I open my eyes to see no other then Sophia and Sadie.
- Did you sleep well? Sophia ask, holding back her laughter.
- Yeah, why? I ask
- Oh no reason, she says.
I yawn and rub my eyes getting a clearer look of the two girls.
- Was it nice? Sadie ask.
I look at her with a confused look.
- What? I ask.
- Snuggling up to Wyatt, she says as they both burst in to laugh.
My face turns bright red as I look down at sleeping Wyatt. I quickly get up as Wyatt moves almost waking up.
- Don't tell him about this, I say.
- Even if we did he wouldn't believe us, I mean it's not like we have any pics, Sadie says grinning.
They start to run around as I chase them, not succeeding to get the phone. I stop chasing them when I hear a familiar voice say good morning. I turn around to a yawning Wyatt as my frustrated face turns into a smile. I then remember the pics and look at the giggling girls with a death glare. There faces turns straight as they walk in to the kitchen. Morning I say to Wyatt as he smiles back. I walk up to my room to change and fix myself for the day. We are going to a carnival today so I want to look good.

 We are going to a carnival today so I want to look good

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Your outfit

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Your outfit

I curled my y/h/c hair and put on some sneakers then I went downstairs and sat on the couch. When everyone was done we headed to the beach, where the carnival was, then we bought our tickets and went in.

- Time skip to 5 pm -

Everyone had gotten hungry so we split up to get food. Me, Gaten and Millie went to the hotdog stand and bought our food. Millie found a place to sit that had a perfect view of the sunset. The rest then came along and we sat there watching the sunset while eating our food, it was the best night I've had in a long time. When it was getting darker we played some games and went on the Ferris wheel. I fell in love more and more with both Wyatt and Finn for every second that went by. Wyatt won me a teddy bear and Finn kissed me on the top of the Ferris wheel. A few hours later I went to the bathroom but when I came out the rest was gone, so I started walking around to find them. I was passing a corner when I saw something I never thought I'd see. I felt a teardrop slowly falling down my cheek as I saw Finn kissing another girl. As I sniffed and tried keeping in my tears he heard me and turned his head towards me. I ran, I ran faster then I ever have. Out of the carnival and onto the beach. Then, I broke down. My tears fell down on the sand as the wind blew in my hair.

How could he do this to me?

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now