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Your POV

We got dressed in our new clothes and Sadie did my makeup, she was actually really good at it. They both looked stunning in their clothes, how could I be this lucky? I'm friends with my biggest idols! I took my bag and headed downstairs.

 They both looked stunning in their clothes, how could I be this lucky? I'm friends with my biggest idols! I took my bag and headed downstairs

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Your dress

Finn's POV

Y/n came down the stairs looking beautiful as always. I need to tell her how I feel tonight, I can't stand her not being with me, but I'm to scared what if she likes someone else? I'm such a coward and she  deserves the best of the best.

- Wow you look beautiful, I said
- You don't look so bad yourself, she giggled.

When everyone was gathered we went outside to the limo. Y/n got the aux cord and started playing "Don't threaten me with a good time"
- I love this song! Gaten screamed.
Both y/n and Gaten sang along when the verse came.
It was like time stood still when I looked at y/n it all just went in slow motion.

Your POV

When in the limo i got the aux cord and started to play my playlist. When "Don't threaten me with a good time" I started sing really loud with Gaten, when I looked over at Finn he almost looked jealous. Did he like me?

Through the rest of the ride I got to know Gaten a lot better. Finn sat quiet the whole time. He looked sad so I moved sitting down beside him.
- Hey what's up?
- What? Nothing, Finn said.
- Finn come on I know something is wrong, what is it?
- Nothing! He almost screamed at me.
I got sad because Finn were so angry.
- Okay sorry, I said with a sad voice.

- time skip 15 minutes -

When we got to the restaurant we sat down at the table and ordered our food. After dinner Finn said that he needed to talk to me so when we got home we went to my room to talk.

- So what you wanna talk about? I asked.
- I really like you y/n.
- I really like you too, I said.
- No y/n you don't understand I really like you, I like you like you.
My heart stood still, did he really like me as more than a friend?
- I like you too, I said.
- You do?
- Yes and I have since forever
Finn looked at me in shook, then he kissed me.
- I've wanted to do that for a long time, he said.
I smiled and kissed him again, then just as we finished our kiss Millie came in the room.
- Omg sorry, Millie said while quickly closing the door.
I got up and went out the door to explain what was going on to Millie.
- You and Finn are together?!
- Yes or no, I don't know okay
-  But you kissed, doesn't that kind of mean that you're together.
- I guess, but we literally just told each other how we feel.
- I have to go and tell Sadie, Millie said.
And before I even had the chance to open my mouth Millie ran away.

Finn's POV

Just as me and y/n finished our kiss Millie opened the door. She said sorry while quickly closing the door. Y/n got up and went out the door as I just sat at the bed smiling. She liked me too and she had for a long time.

Millie's POV

I ran away from y/n to tell Sadie what just happened, without paying attention I started talking.

- Omg Sadie you're not going to believe what just happened, I walked in on Finn and y/n kissing. Can you believe I-
I stopped talking as I realized Sadie wasn't alone, nope not alone, all of the boys were there starring at me with they're mouths open. Shit.

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