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Your POV

When the last scene was over almost everyone was balling their eyes out including me. We stayed like that for a while before starting to clean up. After we were done Wyatt asked if he could talk to me in private, I said yes and we walked of to his room. I laid down on his bed as he laid down next to me.
- So... what do you want to talk about? I said.
- Well so I was thinking that maybe if you want to we could sort of go on a date... he said.
- Only if you want to I mean you don't have to if you don't want to, he was talking really fast and seemed very nervous.
- You're cute when you're nervous, I said.
- Of course I'll go on a date with you doofus
He let out a breath of relief.
- Good, he said.
I could see the big smile on his lips
- Sooo watch do you want to do now? I asked.
I saw as his smile turned into a smirk, I knew what he was thinking.
- Well... he said.
- No Wyatt no, I said shaking my head.
He flipped to his side and then leaned in too kiss me.
- Okay fine but only one kiss, I said.
He kissed me for a long time before pulling away, he then leaned in again but I flipped to my back avoiding his kiss.
- I said one
- Fine, he said flopping down on his back next to me.
- What now? He asked.
- Well I'm going downstairs to the rest, you coming?
- Yeah, he said.
- Well let's go then, I said trying to get up but Wyatt had now wrapped his arms around my waist.
- Wyatt?
- Mmhmm
- Let go
- Can't we just wait like five minutes?
- Fine but only five, then we're going downstairs.
I laid back down snuggled up next to Wyatt.

After 20 minutes had past I finally got up.
- Okay its been twenty minutes, we're going now.
- Alright, Wyatt said getting up.
We walked down the stairs to the rest, who were playing Truth or Dare. As we were walking I saw Millie, Sadie and Sophia all with big grins on their faces and then next to them Lilia. I sat down in between Millie and Sophia.
- What? I whispered to the girls with big grins.
- What where you guys up to huh? Sophia said.
- Okay get your hopes down he just asked me on a date, I said.
- Mmhm are you sure about that? Millie asked.
- Yeah, I mean he kissed me but that was all.
- WAIT WHAT?! Lilia almost screamed.
- Yeez Lilia chill, Sadie said.
- Y/n can we talk? Lilia asked
- Sure, I said.
We walked to the kitchen and the moment we came in Lilia started talking.
- You kissed Wyatt and are going on a date with him but you and Finn are a thing?! What the hell is going on?
- Okay so before I met Wyatt I met Finn, we connected and then told each other how we felt. But then I met Wyatt, we also connected and all. So I was sitting at my makeup table putting my hair up in a ponytail when someone knocked on the door, I yelled "come in" as the person did. I got up from my chair but couldn't see who the person was before he kissed me. I thought it was Finn but after I realized that it wasn't, it was Wyatt.
Lilia looked at me in shook
- Okay well I was just wondering, she said.
We walked back to the others who were still playing Truth or Dare.
- Let's play something else, Gaten said.
- Okay, how about seven minutes in heaven? Jaeden suggested.
Everyone agreed as Caleb got up to get a bottle. Lilia was first and it landed on Jaeden, then it was Millie and it landed on Noah so they just talked and laughed, a lot. After that it was Jack's turn and it landed on... me.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now