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Your POV

I woke up in Finn's bed, I didn't mind sleeping there until I noticed that both Caleb and Noah were, as they usually didn't, sleeping in their beds. I quickly got up but when I did Noah woke up, I checked so that I weren't just in my underwear and luckily I had my pj on.
- Oh hi, he said rubbing his eyes.
I cleared my throat before saying 'Hi'. I then quickly went out of the room and walked to my room, I picked out an outfit for today before sitting in my bed and talking to Millie for a bit.
- What?
- OMG I TOTALLY FORGOT IM MEETING LOREN IN- she stopped and looked at her phone- TWO HOURS
- Are the girls and I coming with you? I asked
- Of course, she said.
- You'll go and wake them up, everything we'll need like makeup and clothes are already there, she said.
- Okay, you start packing while I do that. She nodded as I left.

- Before leaving -

Everyone was done, even the boys. I didn't think they wanted to come with but they did. I took my backpack before walking outside, when everyone had gotten in the car we started driving to the Coachella Valley.

- At the Coachella Valley -

When we got there it was a big crowd walking around in colorful clothes, we followed Millie since she knew where we were going. When we got to, what I guessed was a hotel, there were clothes hanging everywhere. Literally every corner was filled with clothes, there were makeup tables and a "jewelry station". I saw a blonde haired girl walking up to Millie, she then came up to me.
- Hi I'm Loren nice to meet you.
- I'm Y/n, aren't you Loren Gray?
- Yes I am, she said smiling.
- I love your feed, I said.
- Thank you, I'll follow you what's your name?
- Y/u/n
- And followed, she said smiling.
My phone buzzed as I'd got an notification '@loren started following you' it said. Loren told us where everything was, the first stop was clothes.

 Loren told us where everything was, the first stop was clothes

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Your outfit

Loren's outfit

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Loren's outfit

Loren's outfit

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