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Your POV

One week later

When I woke up I did what I usually did before going downstairs to eat breakfast.

When I woke up I did what I usually did before going downstairs to eat breakfast

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Your outfit

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Your outfit

I decided to make waffles and bacon because I was starving. I was frying the bacon when someone came behind me and took a bacon strap. Of course it was Wyatt.
- Good morning sunshine, he said.
- Good morning Noodlehead, I said
He chuckled and sat down on one of the chairs.
- What's for breakfast? He asked.
- Well I'm making bacon and waffles so there's that, but also we have cereal and pop tarts.

When I was done I took out two plates and put the food on them. We ate breakfast and just talked about random stuff, it was great until Finn came in. We still hadn't said a word to each other and I was still mad at him. He hadn't even apologized, I mean seriously?

Today we decided that all of us were going to eat at a restaurant in town, so we went shopping to get clothes for tonight.

- Time skip to the mall in a dress store -

I was looking at the dresses when one cot my eye. It was perfect.

Your outfit/dress

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Your outfit/dress

I show it to the girls who love it just as much as I do. When we all are done with shopping our dresses we went to Starbucks. I got a chocolate Frappuccino. We then went home while the boys still was shopping because we were going to take about the double amount of time as they would.

When we got home I put on my dress as Sadie fixed my makeup and Millie fixed my hair. I then saw something on my nightstand table, it was a rose and a card.
"For the most beautiful girl I know" it said. I directly thought it was from Wyatt. The girls asked who it was from and I said I didn't know.

- Time skip to before the limo arrived -

When we all were done we walked downstairs, I was last and got a bit behind the others. As I walked down the stairs I saw Wyatt staring at me as I smiled, then I saw Finn also staring at me but I ignored him and went to Wyatt. I span around and asked him what he thought of my outfit, "beautiful" was all he said.

Finn's POV

When I saw Y/n with Wyatt I got so jealous it should be me that was sitting next to her kissing her and talking to her. My anger grew the longer I looked at them. When we got to the restaurant I was seated next to Y/n and Jeremy. She was clearly uncomfortable sitting next to me.

Your POV

I was seated next to Finn which made me really uncomfortable, but I tried not to think about it much.

The night went well even tho everything with Finn. I hated him but I also wanted to be with him so bad. I missed his kisses and his laugh, I missed everything about him.

I went to the bathroom and after I was done I was walking through the hallway and a door next to me opened and I was dragged into a dark room.
- Hello? I said
- Hello Y/n, the person said. And I knew exactly who it was...

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now