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Your POV

After the party I was really tired so I decided to go directly to bed, I changed into my pj and fixed my hair to a messy bun.

After the party I was really tired so I decided to go directly to bed, I changed into my pj and fixed my hair to a messy bun

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You pj

I walked out of my room to say goodnight to the others, I walked downstairs and said goodnight to everyone except for Finn. I suspected that he was in his room so I walked up again. When I walked knocked on Finn's door there was no answer, I knocked again but no answer. I opened the door while saying 'Hello Finn are you here?' I heard sniffing from across the room, there Finn was sitting in his bed crying. I immediately ran up to him when I saw he was crying.
- What happened? I asked.
- Nothing, he bitterly said.
- I know something is wrong Finn, why are you crying?
- I said nothing! He yelled. I got really sad, I just wanted to help.
- I'm sorry, I just wanted to help, I said looking down.
- I don't need any help, he said angry.
- Fine I'm sorry that I want to help my boyfriend, I said throwing my hands in the air.
- I just said that I didn't need any help, you don't have to be so dramatic.
- I'm being dramatic? I just care about you.
- Don't.
I turned around and looked at him
- What did you say?
- I said don't.
- I shouldn't care about you?
- I don't know maybe I just want to be alone! He yelled.
- You know what? You're being a huge selfish dick! I just care about you and you get angry!
- Can't you just leave me alone for one second?!
I felt a tear going down my cheek
- Sure, I can leave you alone forever actually if that makes you feel better! I yelled.
- Yeah go be with Wyatt and leave me the fuck alone instead of being so clingy! He yelled.
- I can't believe you brought Wyatt into this! We're friends and nothing else! I've loved you and only you since day one and now after I've been through hell to get over him you get jealous!
- Fuck you Y/n!
- No Fuck you Finn! You're a jealous little shit that can't handle me and Wyatt being friends!
- Of course I get fucking jealous! Wouldn't you!
- No I wouldn't I would just be happy that you're mine! But now you've fucked everything up and it will take a lot to fix it! We're done Finn, we're fucking done! I yelled running out of his room and into mine locking the door and laying down on my bed crying. Everyone had heard us since I didn't close the door, I heard it smash closed and then crying. Finn fucking Wolfhard crying because he fucked up, real big.

This will be 60 parts and then probably a sequel but it might take some time for it to come out cause I'm writing another book atm~A

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now