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Your POV

I woke up at home in bed, I looked at the clock 09:15 it said. I yawned and turned to the other side but was stoped by seeing Finn. I "jumped" when I saw him, it was not that he was scary I just wasn't expecting him to be there. I snuggled up next to Finn laying my head on his chest, he wasn't up yet so why would I have to be?

I woke up again by Finn moving.
- Morning sleepyhead, I said.
- Morning, he said while getting up from bed.
- Do you know if we have any plans today?
- Not that I know of, why? He says.
- Nothing I was just wondering, I say.

I get up of bed and go to my wardrobe, I pick out an outfit for the day and curl my hair.

I get up of bed and go to my wardrobe, I pick out an outfit for the day and curl my hair

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Your outfit

I put on a little bit of makeup before Finn and I walk downstairs. I'm greeted with a death glare from Ellie and when I got that I remembered her blackmailing Millie and our plan. I look up at Finn and kiss his lips. After he smiles at me before taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen. We fix pancakes and bacon before heading out on the balcony to eat. The sky was beautiful, it was purple with pink clouds.
- Wow, I say softly.
- Wow indeed.

After breakfast do the dishes before sitting down on the couch next to Finn.
- What happened yesterday? I ask.
- When?
- While we were at the beach, the last thing I remember is falling asleep next to the fire.
- Oh yeah so we stayed at the beach for almost an hour after you fell asleep, then when we were going I let you ride my back. You were half awake so you could hold on to me while we walked.
- Okay, then what?
- Then we got home and I put you to bed.
It feels like he's hiding something...
- Then why were you in my bed?
- You told me to stay, he says and look down.
- What are you hiding? I ask
- What? Nothing!
- Finn...
- Seriously I'm not hiding anything, he says.
- Okay then you won't mind me asking Millie, I get up and start to almost run upstairs.
- Wait! Finn yells.
- Millie! Millie where are you!
- I'm here why?
I take her hand and lead her to our room as fast as I can before closing and locking the door so Finn won't get in.
- What happened last night after I fell asleep?
- What do you mean? Nothing special! She said clearly lying and trying to get out of the situation.
- Millie
- What?
- C'mon tell me! I say with an annoyed voice.
- It is going to hurt your feelings...
- Would you want to know if you were in my situation?
- Okay I get it. So after you fell asleep Ellie walked away with Wyatt, she showed him something on her phone. I could only hear parts of it but I'm sure I heard Finn's voice. After that it seemed like Wyatt got angry...
- And?
- ...
- Tell me!
- And the next thing I knew they were kissing...
- Y/n it's okay I'm here for you, she put her hand on my shoulder but I wiped it of when I stood up. I went for the door and then straight out of it, I ran through the hallway and without looking I bumped into someone and fell to the floor.
- Y/n? Are you okay?
- How could you!? How could you do this to me?!
I was so angry, my blood was boiling. Without thinking I slapped him across his face.
- I really didn't think you would do this Wyatt, I really trusted you! You were there and comforted me at the beach when Finn kissed another girl but you've done the same thing!
I ran of again, but this time there where no one to stop me. I went out the doors and then behind the house, there was a little greenhouse in the garden so I went in there and sat down on the warm stone ground. I cried and cried until there was no left, no tears to fall down my face. Nothing.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now