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Your POV

I don't know what to do, I love Finn so much I can't even explain but I think I love Wyatt too. I looked I to his brown eyes, I just cheated on Finn but I just couldn't be sad. I want to feel horrible and cry but I can't, the only thing I can do is smile.
- I've wanted to that for a really long time now, he said.
- I...I...I have to go, I said starting to walk away.
- Wait! Wyatt yelled running up to me.
- Please don't leave... he said.
- I just don't know what to do, I said almost starting to cry.
- I love Finn... his smile disappeared.
- But I...I, I couldn't explain it so I kissed him. He kissed back and I felt butterflies. When we pulled out I looked at him.
- Damn you Oleff, I said. He chuckled and took my hand while starting to walk.
- Wyatt I can't...
- What?
- I can't be with you, I have to go back to Finn.
- Why?
- I just have to even tho I love you more than anything.
- I want to be with you, he said.
- I want to be with you too but I can't do this to Finn.
- I love you Y/n Y/l/n more then anything.
- I love you too, I said starting to cry.
- I have to leave, I said.
- I want you to stay
- I want to stay but I can't, I have to get back.
- Please don't leave me
- I have to, I'm sorry.
I went up to him and slapped him
- What the hell! Why did you do that?
- You have to hate me, I can't leave you if you don't hate me...
- Y/n...
- No! I can't leave you if you don't hate me, I can't live knowing that I loved you but left you.
- You don't have to leave...
- Yes I do, I have to go back to him.
- You can be with both of us just please don't leave me...
- I'm sorry, I said hugging him.
- It's okay, he said stroking my hair.
- I don't want to leave, I said crying.
- You have too, he said.
- No I can be with you
- No you can't, you have to be with Finn.
- But what about you?
- I will be alright, not now or maybe not in a week but I'll be alright and when I am I will comeback and then I will love you more than anything but as my bestfriend in the whole world.
- I will always love you no matter what, I said.
- Goodbye Y/n, he said letting go of me and walking away.

I will never be okay, will I?

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃Where stories live. Discover now